UCW Valedictorian Ann Cynthia Eapen Celebrates Fall 2022 ConvocationUniversity News

UCW Valedictorian Ann Cynthia Eapen Celebrates Fall 2022 Convocation


Ann Cynthia Eapen is University Canada West’s Valedictorian for Fall 2022.

Born and raised in Kuwait, Cynthia moved to Canada after fleeing the first gulf war with her family 25 years ago.

Before starting her MBA at University Canada West, Cynthia earned her Certified Human Resources Professional Credentials at York University and studied Computer Programming and Analysis at Seneca College in Toronto.

“I am excited to be here as your Valedictorian and greet you on behalf of the graduating class of Fall 2022,” Cynthia said as she began her convocation address.

For the past 17 years, Cynthia has been working in the financial industry. Throughout her career, she leveraged what she learned in leadership roles focused on strategy and execution, change management, operations and product development to drive net revenue of two billion dollars.

Cynthia’s deep passion for innovation led her to file several patents in methods, systems and devices for monitoring and managing network-connected device usage. She had two patents approved in 2019 and 2020.

In addition to her academic endeavours and professional accomplishments, Cynthia also takes the time to give back to her community and has taken leadership roles within the Women in Leadership and Women in Visible Minorities communities.

She also works closely with the not-for-profit sector providing thought leadership, leading organizational re-design and change management projects.

In her Valedictorian address to her fellow graduates during the October 28 ceremony at The Centre in downtown Vancouver, Cynthia shared her excitement for what lies ahead for the graduating class after persevering through a world of uncertainty.

“We weathered some tough times during the pandemic, including lockdowns, job losses and economic turmoil and now the war in Ukraine and crisis in Iran,” she said. “While the world around us was changing and shifting, we persevered and found new ways to learn.”

She continued to share how proud she is of UCW’s fall graduating class of 2022. “Kudos to all of us for being resilient, adapting to change with grace and demonstrating unwavering dedication and commitment.”

As she reminisced on her time at UCW, Cynthia shared two life lessons in her Valedictorian speech – “Do not fear failure but be terrified of regrets” and “Do not let others define .”

In closing, she sent her best wishes to her fellow graduates.

“We are strong, resilient and smart. Be hopeful for the future, be kind, compassionate and grateful for our past. Know that we are part of something bigger than ourselves and that the key to true happiness lies in the service to others. We have the power to be good stewards of the planet we inhabit, and participants in the fight to make our world a better place, more inclusive and just.”

For more on UCW Fall 2022 Convocation, read the stories below: