Request a Transcript


Request A Transcript

Students have access to their unofficial transcript through their MyUCW account, but if a student or alumni requires an official transcript, he/she must submit a “Transcript Request” to the Registrar’s office. Students can order transcripts either through MyUCW, or by completing the form below.

An official transcript of the student's academic record can be sent by the University Canada West Registrar’s Office directly to an institution or agency requested. Each transcript will include the student's complete record at University Canada West to date, including all courses in progress (‘CIP’).

Standing is determined by the results of all final grades in the term, so transcripts showing official term grades are not available until the end of the term. A student’s record is confidential and a transcript will only be issued at the student’s request and after receipt of the required fee. A transcript will then be issued within 7-8 business days. Please note that it may take longer to issue transcripts during peak periods, such as convocation and course registration.

Transcripts are made available for pick-up at reception, can be mailed to the student or alumnus, or can be sent upon request to a third party. An official transcript will not be issued until all academic or registrar’s holds, or any outstanding financial obligations to University Canada West have been cleared.