Dr. Nataliia Zaviziena

Dr. Nataliia Zaviziena



Dr. Nataliia Zaviziena has a PhD in Theory and Methodology of Professional Education National State University, Luhansk, Ukraine, a Master of Administration Science from Fairleigh Dickinson University, an MBA (Project Management) from International Management Academy, Hamburg, Germany, a post-doctoral in Economics Science from National State University, Donetsk, Ukraine, a diploma in Economics Science and a Bachelor of Math from National State University, Odessa, Ukraine.

She teaches ECON 102 – Principles of Microeconomics at University Canada West.

Expertise and Experience

Dr. Zaviziena is not only an academic, she also has practical experience in the field of economics and finance.

She’s worked as a controller for Ray Contracting ltd, Leocor Ltd and Manning Ltd, and has worked as an accountant for several companies in Vancouver.

Dr. Zaviziena was a Professor in the Economics Department at Kiev National University of Economics Kiev, Ukraine, where she taught Financial Management, Accounting and Business. She was also a Professor in the Economics Department at Odesa National University of Economics in Odesa, Ukraine, teaching Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Economics for Business and Financial Management, and she was an Associate Professor in the Department of Math at Odesa National University where she taught Math in Business.

Publications and Scholarly Activity

Dr. Zaviziena has authored more than 30 scientific publications and three books.

Select Publications:

  • Zaviziena N. International Journal of Management & Computing Sciences (IJMCS),Vol.5, Number 5-6, January-June 2015, Ukrainian Economy: Will be “Green”?, 163- 167 (Canada)
  • Zaviziena N. Collection of works Cherkasy State Technological University. Series: "Economics." - Vol. 30. Part II. - Cherkasy: ChSTU, 2012. “The concept of forming a regional development policy market consumer goods and services”, С. 125-131
  • Zaviziena N., Sapelnikova N., Problems systematic approach to economics: Collected Works, Volume 45.- K: NAU, 2013. – 147p. “Specific problems and effective regulation and use of transit capacities of Ukraine (odessa region experience)”, 128-134
  • Zavizena N. International scientific journal "Economics and State» №8, 2014 “Regulatory activities of local government as the effective operation of the banking system at the regional level”, 19-21
  • Zaviziena N. Socio-economic Research Bulletin. Issue 41. Part 1 / Odessa State Economic University. – Odessa: OSEU, 2011. – 134p “Forming and realization of the information policy in the Ukrainian regions”. 122-127


  • Zaviziena N. “Information support regional socio-economic policy: Methodology and Practice”.- О.: Feniks, 2009
  • Safonov Y., Zaviziena N., “Managing potential of the enterprise”. Managing potential of the enterprise: a textbook / [Yu.M.Safonov, N.S.Zavizyena]. -Odesa, 2011
  • Zaviziena N., Astahova N., “Scientific and practical guidelines for the development of local government at the regional level”. O.: April, 2014

She was a member of the Editorial Board of the "Economy and State" and "Investment: Practice and Experience" scientific journals in economics.

In 2014 Dr. Zaviziena conducted Scientific Research in The Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine “Development of recommendations for improving regulatory support for innovation and investment in Ukraine and creation of an appropriate monitoring system”.

She was the Lead Research Officer of the State Investment Policy and Innovative Development at the Science and Research Institute, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. Dr. Zaviziena also held the position of Scientific Projects Manager at the Research Institute of Economics in Kiev, Ukraine; and she was advisor for diagnostics of enterprise’s financial state, dividend policy analysis, optimization of using capital assets and attracting investment at Odesa Trade House.