Dr. Nader Ganji

Dr. Nader Ganji



Dr. Nader Ganji holds a PhD in Public Policy from University of Tehran, Iran. Prior to that, he graduated with Distinction from the University of Nottingham in the UK. 

He joined UCW in summer 2022 and currently teaches Politics and Government as well as Media and Government. 

Expertise and Experience 

Not only is Dr. Ganji an experienced lecturer teaching both undergrad and postgrad students, but he has also been a researcher working on politics and public policy. Likewise, Dr. Ganji was a member of the Iranian Political Science Association, where he served as head of the Skills College. 

He has taught at several universities including University of Tehran, the most prestigious university of Iran. He was a research fellow at the Scientific Research and Middle East Strategic Studies CenterDr. Ganji served at several of the branches of the University of Applied Science and Technology as chancellor or board member. His areas of expertise include, but are not limited to, comparative studies, public policy theories, social and political movements, political economy, religion, and pressure groups.  

Publication and Scholarly Activity 

Selected publications: 

  • Ganji, N. (2022) The Tale of Reformism in Iran. In I. Natil, New Leadership of Civil Society Organisations: Community Development and Engagement, London: Routledge.
  • Ganji, N., Moheimany, M., Salehi, M. (2021) Covid19, Youth, and the Engineered Social Movements in Iran. In I. Natil, Youth, Civic Engagement, Community Development and Local Peace-building, Oxon: Routledge.
  • Ganji, N., Moheimany, M. (2021) The Resilient Political Opportunity Structure in Iran. In M. Moheimany, Civil Society, NGOs and Policy Networks in Hybrid Regimes, Singapore: Palgrave McMillan.
  • Ganji, N., Ashtarian, K. (2020) Comparative Public Policy and Religious Pressure Groups in Turkey and Pakistan. International Journal of Economics and Politics, 1(1), 95-112.
  • Ashtarian, K., Etemadi, M., Ganji, N., Gorji, A., Kangarani, H. M. (2019) Have the Poor Been Considered in the Health Sector Evolution Plan? A Qualitative Study of the Iranian Health System. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 12(5), 403-420.
  • Ganji, N., Ashtarian (2018) Public Policy and Pressure Groups, Tehran: Teesa.


Dr. Ganji was a top student in his PhD studies. Also, he was the first international student who won the prize of the highest average mark of the School of Public and Social Policy of Nottingham University, where he was also awarded the International Master’s Scholarship and won a prize for his model thesis.  

Volunteer Activity 

Dr. Ganji has been a volunteer tutor for the Ottawa Community and at Toronto Public Library. For several years, he was a board member of an NGO with ECOSOC Consultative Status working with the Human Rights Council of the United Nations.