Hi friends, Annyeong (“Annyeong” is “hi” in Korean)! How are you doing? I'm happy to share my first post with you all and it will be about how I prepared myself for my MBA application.
I started preparing for my MBA enrolment in the middle of the pandemic, so there was a lot of uncertainty. However, ironically, and interestingly, it turned out to be the best time to apply for the MBA. It was a bit of bliss in disguise, I would say. :)
Duolingo's English test is a good example of the benefits of enrolling in university during the pandemic. Because of the pandemic, I was able to take my exam in my room! I mean, in my very own room – I didn't even need to wear makeup or do my hair to get out (okay, at least I washed my face). In addition to UCW, most renowned universities, such as Yale University, Johns Hopkins University and many others are also accepting Duolingo's English test for their application. You can still use your IELTS or TOEFL scores if you have them, but if you don't, you don't need to worry about it. You can easily take the Duolingo test, like I did.
To be accepted into the MBA program at UCW, you need to get a minimum score of 110 overall. In my opinion, it is not that difficult to get that score if you're considering an MBA program. I assume that you can read, comprehend and articulate your thoughts in English as you're doing now – so you’ll be fine!
The Test: The even more amazing part is they provide a 15-minute trial test to let you get a sense of what you can expect, which helps you mentally prepare yourself. Personally, I appreciated this trial test a lot. I felt more comfortable and ready after the test exam. The exam costs US$49 (as of August 2021) and it runs for 60 minutes. It consists of reading, writing and speaking. The order of the questions is mixed up, so you need to be prepared for any type of question.
Rules: Do not leave the camera preview. Do not look away from the screen. Keep your ears visible and uncovered. If your cursor leaves the window or you exit full-screen mode, your test will not be certified. Do not speak unless instructed. Do not allow others in the room with you. Do not use any outside reference material.
Pros: Cheaper exam fee than other tests. Convenient. Intuitive user experience. Fast exam results (within 48 hours).
Cons: To be honest, none that I can think of! Disclaimer: This is my personal experience. For more detailed information about the exam, please check Duolingo’s official website: https://englishtest.duolingo.com/applicants.
Entry Requirements for MBA at UCW: For more detailed entry requirements for UCW’s MBA program, please check this link: https://www.ucanwest.ca/admissions/graduate.
Good luck with your exam, friends! :)
Published on September 25, 2022.