University Curriculum Committee


The University Curriculum Committee is a Standing Committee of the Senate, with the following responsibilities:

  • Reviewing and considering proposals for new, revised, or discontinued courses, programs of study, degrees, and other credentials for consistency with:
    • the mission, goals and strategic priorities of the University
    • University policies
  • With input from relevant faculty and staff members, resolve outstanding issues in proposals and approve curriculum submissions for recommendation to the Senate.
  • Reporting and making recommendations to Senate on:
    • the status of concept papers and program proposals, implementations, revisions, and discontinuation
    • the progress of curricula review
    • proposed revisions to relevant University policies, including Policy No. 5012, “Course Syllabus,” and Policy No. 5009, “Program and Curriculum Development,” as appropriate
    • the form and frequency in which the University Academic Calendar is published
    • other items of note arising out of the Committee’s work
  • Developing and approving the processes, standards, and guidelines for curricular changes, to ensure that curricula reviews are conducted in accordance with:
    • best practices in post-secondary education
    • relevant University policies, including Policy No. 5009, “Program and Curriculum Development”
  • Establishing a schedule for revisions to existing courses to ensure that the curricula are consistent with the mission and goals of the University.
  • Developing and approving the processes, standards, and guidelines for program approval.
  • Periodically reviewing the policies and practices for the review and approval of curricular changes to ensure consistency and compliance with:
    • the mission, goals, and strategic priorities of the University
    • the responsibilities of the Senate

Committee Membership

The Committee meets on an as-needed basis, with a minimum of two meetings per year; meetings are usually closed. For any questions, please contact the Senate Secretariat at