Final countdown to UCW Convocation 2020 – One Day To Go!University News

Final countdown to UCW Convocation 2020 – One Day To Go!


With just 24 hours to go, the final countdown to University Canada West’s Convocation 2020 is on.

On Friday morning, grads and their families, friends and loved ones will tune in from around the world to see UCW’s 389 graduates virtually receive their degrees.

Register to watch University Canada West’s Convocation 2020 here. The ceremony starts at 10 am Pacific Daylight Time on Friday, Sept. 25.

You can learn about our Valedictorian, Distinguished Teacher Award recipient and who is receiving an honorary doctorate from UCW.

Please note: Live streaming may not be available in all countries due to local government restrictions. A recording will be available shortly after the ceremony for viewing on-demand. 

If you’re posting to social media, don’t forget to use #UCWgrad and check out our custom UCW Convocation 2020 filter on Instagram. You can find it by tapping the filter tab on our Instagram page @university_canada_west.