Agent Marketing Manual

As our valued partner, you help us shape our brand. You represent UCW when you talk to prospective students, their parents or colleagues.

The following guidelines are intended to provide direction for UCW agents to promote our brand consistently. As our university continues to evolve, so do our brand and these guidelines. It is essential that our standards and guidelines are strictly followed to maintain the integrity of our brand. Failing to do so puts our university at risk of facing consequences from the government and jeopardizes our accreditations.

Your UCW Representative is your primary contact for information and requests about UCW.

When you are creating any promotional marketing assets for UCW, such as webinar, landing page, brochure, flyer or video, you must send it to your UCW Representative for approval. The Representative will respond within two (2) business days and acknowledge the request has been received. The request will then be reviewed and sent back approved or with requested changes. Once the requested changes have been made, you must send it back to your UCW Representative for final review and approval.

Thank you for your continued dedication and support in promoting UCW globally.


  • Be mindful of the logo placement on your asset. Make sure the logo is visible and not too small.
  • Use the pre-approved content and official UCW template for your marketing materials to expedite the process.
  • Send your assets to your UCW Representative for approval before posting or using the material.
  • Check UCW’s website for the latest information about entrance requirements, program details, student services, tuition fees, scholarships and more.
  • Make sure all your materials state that you are an official partner of UCW.
  • Be mindful when sharing information about fees and scholarships as these details tend to change with time. All promotional materials with fees, scholarships, program details and entry requirements must be sent to your BD for review and approval.


  • Do not post official documents such as offer or acceptance letters.
  • Do not use UCW partner logos such as QS Stars or other accreditations when creating marketing materials. These partnerships are solely with UCW.
  • Do not promote immigration, permanent residency, work permits and family immigration.
  • Do not use any false advertising tactics when promoting UCW. For example, do not say “no English tests required” or “scholarship guaranteed” or “work experience not mandatory.” Those are false statements.
  • Do not promote the $650 hotel voucher. It is no longer available.


Do's and don'ts





Don't vs Do
