Nick Esposto
Nick Esposto is currently a PhD student at Laurentian University, having previously obtained his MBA and an Honors Degree in Physical Health and Education (B.P.H.E.). On top of that, he is also certified in Project Management, which is the course he teaches at UCW.
As an educator, Esposto sees himself as a visual teacher, able to cater to as many types of learners as needed. He tries to incorporate as many resources in his lectures to cater to the different types of learners that may find themselves in his classroom.
Expertise and Experience
Before UCW, he was teaching at various universities in Eastern Canada, specifically Ontario. These universities include Trent University, Algoma University, Yorkville University and Nipissing University.
His ongoing research explores the intersections of digital transformation, business models, and information technology management, contributing valuable insights to the academic and professional communities.
Esposto was an All-Canadian athlete in hockey during his university varsity career.
Personal Interests
He is also a CF-L1 CrossFit certified coach and currently does personally training for semi-professional athletes.