Dr. Vidhi Thakkar
Dr. Vidhi Thakkar has a PhD in Health Services and Policy Research from the University of Toronto, an MSc from McGill University and a BSHc (Honours) from McMaster University. She is a certified Project Management Professional (Agile) with over seven years of healthcare experience.
She is currently teaching Project Management at University Canada West.
Expertise and Experience
Dr. Thakkar has held leadership roles, including Managing Consultant at Fraser Health Authority and analyst positions with the BC and Ontario health ministries. An award-winning educator, Dr. Thakkar has taught at McMaster, University of Toronto and Pacific Coast University. Her engaging teaching methods include flipped classrooms, practical, hands-on activities, and connecting students to industry leaders.
Publications and Scholarly Activity
Dr. Thakkar’s PhD research focused on primary care patients’ preferred roles in treatment decision-making. Her post-doctoral research focused on a program evaluation for the Victoria Hospice for an older adults’ health and wellness program as a part of the CIHR Health Systems Impact Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Dr. Thakkar has worked as a Senior Research Associate at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, where she led a research project called ‘Interventions to Mitigate COVID-19 Related Mental Health Risks for Those with Pre-existing Chronic Health Conditions and Facing Social and Economic Barriers: A Scoping and Rapid Realist Review’.
Dr. Thakkar’s research interests include health services and policy research, and health systems design research. She is also interested in project management teaching focused research.
Research Articles (Published)
- Raiza, S, Thakkar, V., Bashir, S, Naseem U. A Summary of COVID-19 Datasets. Computer Science Conference Proceedings in Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT) series. Available at: https://www.itcse2022.org/caiml/papersubmission
- Thakkar, V., Stajduhar K. Integrating palliative care into Health Professionals Education. BC Medical Journal. Available at: < https://bcmj.org/blog/integrating-palliative-care-health-professionals-education>. 2022 Jan.
- Davison KM, Thakkar V, Lin SL, Stabler L, MacPhee M, Carroll S, Collins B, Rezler Z, Colautti J, Xu CC, Fuller-Thomson E. Interventions to Support Mental Health among Those with Health Conditions That Present Risk for Severe Infection from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Scoping Review of English and Chinese-Language Literature. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public health. 2021 Jan;18(14):7265.
- Stabler L, MacPhee M, Collins B, Carroll S, Davison K, Thakkar V, Fuller-Thomson E, Lin SL, Hey B. A Rapid Realist Review of Effective Mental Health Interventions for Individuals with Chronic Physical Health Conditions during the COVID-19 Pandemic Using a Systems-Level Mental Health Promotion Framework. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Jan;18(23):12292.
- Carroll S, Colautti J, D’Andreamatteo C, Fuller-Thomson E, Hey B, Kelly K, Shin L, Davison KM, Macphee, M, Mullaly L, Ravindran A, Remick R, Sorensen J, Garg A, , Rezler Z, Smye V, Stabler L, Thakkar V. (2020). Interventions to Mitigate COVID-19 Related Mental Health Risks for Those with Pre-Existing Chronic Health Conditions: A Knowledge Synthesis Based on the English and Chinese Language Literature. 119. Mental Health Commission of Canada.
- Afroze R, Mora-Almanza JG, Gulati C, Thakkar V, Davison KM. P38 Passive Commuting is Associated with Weight Status of Emerging Adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2020 Jul 1;52(7):S33.
- Thakkar, V. Davison, K. Connecting patients, doctors, and health care team members with technology in the BC Healthcare System. BC Medical Journal. December 20, 2019. Available at: < https://www.bcmj.org/blog/connecting-patients-doctors-and-health-care-team-members-technology-bc-health-care-system >
- Thakkar V, Gordon K. Privacy and Policy Implications for Big Data and Health Information Technology for Patients: A Historical and Legal Analysis. Studies in Health technology and informatics. 2019;257:413-7.
- Daruwalla Z, Thakkar V, Aggarwal M, Kiasatdolatabadi A, Guergachi A, Keshavjee K. Patient Empowerment: The Role of Technology. Studies in Health technology and informatics. 2019;257:70-4.
- Thakkar V, Sullivan T. Public spending on health service and policy research in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States: a modest proposal. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2017 Nov;6(11):617
- Sullivan T, Thakkar V. Eating or feeding our young: a response to recent commentaries. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2018 May;7(5):479
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Thakkar, V, Stajduhar K, Rezler Z, Ishtiaq M, Colautti, J, Beringer, R. Canadian Health Services and Policy Research Conference- CIHR Impact Fellows Retreat. Vancouver BC, March 2022. Poster presentation.
- Thakkar, V, Stajduhar K, Rezler Z, Ishtiaq M, Colautti, J, Beringer, R. Knowledge Translation Canada Summer Institute. Program Evaluation Implications for Knowledge Mobilization with Knowledge Users. Virtual National Conference.
- Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Conference. The Results of a Scoping Review and Program Evaluations for the Hospice Setting. Virtual National Conference COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery: Towards More Integrated Health and Social Care Systems That Addresses the Complex Needs of Canada’s Diverse Populations. North American Conference on Integrated Care. COVID-19 and Mental Health in Integrated Care settings. Program available here: ‘ https://integratedcarefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/IFIC3599-NACIC2021-Interactive-Programme-v43.pdf
- Public Health 2021 Conference. COVID-19 and Mental Health for All: A framework for Moving forward. Oral Presentation. Presentation available at: < https://youtu.be/-3mZRE6uq1k >
- UBC Centre for Healthcare Professionals. An Examination of Solutions to Mitigate Mental Health Responses Among those at Risk of Severe Illness from COVID-19 Infection: an Integrated Scoping and Rapid Realist Review. Available at: < https://ches.med.ubc.ca/poster-11-an-examination-of-solutions-to-mitigate-mental-health-responses-among-those-at-risk-of-severe-illness-from-covid-19-infection-an-integrated-scoping-and-rapid-realist-review/ >
- Thakkar, V. Canadian Agency for Drugs Health and Technology. “Understanding primary care patients’ preferred roles in an era of increased health information.” On-demand presentation.
- Centre for Health Education and Scholarship. Chronic diseases, Mental and Physical Health Conditions – Findings of a Realist review.” Poster presentation.
- Thakkar, Vidhi. E-Health Expertise in the Development and Implementation of National Pharmacare. Poster accepted for presentation at E-Health 2020 conference. May 31-June 3, 2020- Vancouver, BC.
- Daruwalla Z, Thakkar V, Aggarwal M, Kiasatdolatabadi A, Guergachi A, Keshavjee K. Patient Empowerment: The Role of Technology. Presented at the University of Victoria International Conference for Technology.
- What roles do primary care patients wish to play in treatment decisions in Primary Care?: Thematic Analysis of Semi-Structured Interviews with Patients. Vidhi Thakkar, Raisa Deber. Presented by Raisa Deber at CAHSPR 2019 Halifax, Nova Scotia. Slide deck & presentation created by Vidhi Thakkar.
- Privacy and Policy Implications for Big Data and Health Information Technology for Patients: A Historical and Legal Analysis. Studies in health technology and informatics. Presented at the University of Victoria International Conference for Technology & Health.
- What role do primary care patients wish to play in treatment decisions? Thematic Analysis of Semi-structured Interviews with Patients. Presented at the Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Conference.
- Assessing the Reliability and Validity of a Patient Experience Survey for Ontario's Integrated Funding Models. Available at: < https://f2fe.app.box.com/s/k67sv745e0yhcyrcx65us5mwhoy746ht/file/194222764866 >. Oral Presentation at Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Conference. Vidhi Thakkar, Sydney Jopling, Kevin Walker, Walter Wodchis.
- Sharing Diagnostic Test Results with Patients: Design and Deployment of a Web-Based Tool Conference Poster to be presented at Health Quality Ontario. Vidhi Thakkar, Sarah Wheeler, Julie Gilbert.
- Scoping Review on Patient Engagement Measurement Frameworks: Tools for Understanding the Excellent Care for All Act Presented at Centre for Health Services and Policy Research Conference at UBC: Contested Grounds. Vidhi Thakkar Raisa Deber Aviv Shachak.
- The Many Meanings of Patient Engagement. A Unified Framework. Presented at the Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Conference.
Refereed Technical Reports
- Thakkar, V, Davison, K. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Interventions to Mitigate COVID-19 Related Mental Health Risks for Those with Pre-Existing Chronic Health Conditions: A Knowledge Synthesis Based on the English and Chinese Language Literature https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/52036.html.
- Thakkar, V., Fernandez, H., Hasan, O.S.M., Manthey, J., Rehm, J. (2018, June 4-7). Cannabis epidemiology WHO systematic rapid review: Report 1 – Epidemiology of cannabis plant and cannabis resin systematic review. Technical report presented at the 40th meeting of the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence at Geneva, Switzerland.
- Thakkar, V., Fernandez, H., Hasan, O.S.M., Manthey, J., & Rehm J. (2018, June 4-7). Cannabis epidemiology WHO systematic rapid review: Report 2 – Epidemiology of extracts and tinctures of cannabis. Technical report presented at the 40thmeeting of the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence at Geneva, Switzerland.
- Fernandez, H., Thakkar, V., Hasan, O.S.M., Manthey, J., & Rehm J. (2018, June 4-7). Cannabis epidemiology WHO systematic rapid review: Report 3 - Epidemiology of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Technical report presented at the 40thmeeting of the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence at Geneva, Switzerland.
- Fernandez, H., Thakkar, V., Hasan, O.S.M., Manthey, J., & Rehm, J. (2018, June 4-7). Cannabis epidemiology WHO systematic rapid review: Report 4 - Epidemiology of isomers of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Presentation at the 40th meeting of the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence at Geneva, Switzerland.
- Freedman SB, Thakkar VA. Easing the strain on a pediatric tertiary care center: use of a redistribution system. JAMA Pediatrics. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 2007 Sep 1;161(9):870-6.
Non-Refereed Books, Monographs, Compilations, Manuals
- Esmail, L., Longo, C. Thakkar, V., Wynne, W. Deber, R. Case Studies in Healthcare. Chapter 15- Prescription for Conflict: Drug Pricing and Coverage. University of Toronto Press.
Non-Refereed Books, Monographs, Compilations, Manuals
March 2022
- Canadian Health Services and Policy Research Conference- CIHR Fellows Retreat - Program Evaluation of an Older Adults Health and Wellness Program
June 2022
- Knowledge Translation Canada: Summer Institute - Program Evaluation Implications for Knowledge Mobilization with Knowledge Users. Virtual National Conference. Link to presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAhyiwBgx9M&t=11s
May 2022
- Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Conference - The Results of a Scoping Review and Program Evaluations for the Hospice Setting.
October 2021
- Integrated Care Foundation - COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery: Towards More Integrated Health and Social Care Systems That Addresses the Complex Needs of Canada’s Diverse Populations. North American Conference on Integrated Care. COVID-19 and Mental Health in Integrated Care settings
- Public Health Agency of Canada 2021 Conference - COVID-19 and Mental Health for All: A framework for Moving forward. Presentation available at: < https://youtu.be/-3mZRE6uq1k >
- UBC Centre for Healthcare Professionals - Examination of Solutions to Mitigate Mental Health Responses Among those at Risk of Severe Illness from COVID-19 Infection: An Integrated Scoping and Rapid Realist Review. Available at: https://ches.med.ubc.ca/poster-11-an-examination-of-solutions-to-mitigate-mental-health-responses-among-those-at-risk-of-severe-illness-from-covid-19-infection-an-integrated-scoping-and-rapid-realist-review/
- Canadian Agency for Drugs Health and Technology - Understanding primary care patients’ preferred roles in an era of increased health information.
January 2021
- Centre for Health Education and Scholarship - Chronic diseases, Mental and Physical Health Conditions – Findings of a Realist review.
June 2020
- E-Health Conference - Expertise in the Development and Implementation of National Pharmacare.
January 2020
May 2019
- Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research - What roles do primary care patients wish to play in treatment decisions in Primary Care?
February 2019
- University of Victoria - What role do primary care patients wish to play in treatment decisions? Thematic Analysis of Semi-structured Interviews with Patients
February 2018
- University of Victoria International Conference for Technology and Health - Privacy and Policy Implications for Big Data and Health Information Technology for Patients: A Historical and Legal Analysis. Studies in health technology and informatics.
May 2017
- Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research - Assessing the Reliability and Validity of a Patient Experience Survey for Ontario's Integrated Funding Models.
June 2015
- Health Quality Ontario - Sharing Diagnostic Test Results with Patients: Design and Deployment of a Web-Based Tool Conference Poster to be presented at Health Quality Ontario.
October 2015
- University of British Columbia CHSPR conference: Contested Grounds - Scoping Review on Patient Engagement Measurement Frameworks: Tools for Understanding the Excellent Care for All Act.
May 2015
- Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research - The Many Meanings of Patient Engagement: A Unified Framework.
May 2007
- University Health Network Pediatrics Research Conference - Easing the Strain on a pediatric tertiary care centre: use of a redistribution system.
- McMaster Alumni Arch Award
- McMaster Innovator in Education Award
- Mitacs Truth & Reconciliation training Certificate
- Mitacs Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Certificate
- CIHR Unconscious Bias Training
- University of Toronto Gordon Cressy Leadership Award
- CIHR Sex and Gender Analysis Certificate
- CITI Good Clinical Practice Certificate
- Institute of Healthcare Improvement Certificate in Patient Safety
- IHI Certificate in Change Management
- IHI Certificate in Leadership
- McMaster University - Presidents Scholarship ($10,000 per year, renewable for 2 years and guaranteed on-campus first year residence)
- McMaster Award of Excellence- award to students in top 10% of students within the faculty
Connect with her in LinkedIn.