Dr. Shirin Mohamadzadeh

Dr. Shirin Mohamadzadeh

Sessional FacultyFaculty

Dr. Shirin Mohamadzadeh has a PhD in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), an MA in TEFL and a BA in English Language and Literature. She also holds a TESL Canada Standard 1 Certification in TESOL and a certificate in Dyslexia and Foreign Language Teaching from Lancaster University. 

She currently teaches English (Critical Analysis & Writing) at University Canada West.

Expertise and Experience 

Dr. Mohamadzadeh has taught various English courses at undergraduate and graduate levels at several different universities, including:

  • English for Students of Nursing at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.
  • English for Students of Educational Technology and English for Students of Electronic Learning at Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
  • Language Teaching Methodology and English for Students of French Language and Literature at Alzahra University.
  • English for Students of Medicine and English for Students of Nursing at Iran University of Medical Sciences.
  • English for Students of Law and English for Students of Industrial Management at University of Guilan.

Publications and Scholarly Activity 

National Textbook: 

  • Ramezani, A., Mihandoust, P., Mohamadzadeh, S., Baaberu, F., Latifimehr, M., Assadpour, S., Hosseini, M. (2023). English for Schools ⦁ PROSPECT (1) – Junior Secondary Prevocational Program (2nd ed.). Tehran: Iran: Exceptional Education Organization. 

Peer-Reviewed Research Papers: 

  • Akhavan Tafti, M., Esmaeili, N., Piryaei, S., Mohamadzadeh, S., & Parvar, S. P. (2023). Self-regulation in preschoolers is related to social school readiness: An analysis of performance-based measures of effortful control and executive functioning. Iranian Journal of Learning and Memory, 5(20), 18-30. 
  • Alipour-Hafezi, M., Radfar, H., Rasouli, B., Nabavi, M., HajiZeinolabedin, M., Dehnad, A., . . . Nemati- Anaraki, L. (2020). Status of central libraries at Iranian universities of medical sciences for joining an integrated network of medical libraries. International Journal of Information Science and Management (IJISM), 18(2), 173-187. 
  • Alipour-Hafezi, M., Radfar, H., Rasuli, B., Nabavi, M., Haji Zeinolabedini, M., Dehnad, A., . . . Nemati- Anaraki, L. (2019). A model for creating a virtual library in Iranian universities of medical sciences. The Electronic Library, 37(4), 636-649. 
  • Danaei, M., Bahadorizadeh, L., Dehnad, A., Mohamadzadeh, S., Hashemi-Madani, N., & Khamseh, M. E. (2022). Validation of Acromegaly Quality of Life Questionnaire (AcroQoL) for the Iranian population. BMC Psychology, 10(1), 63. 
  • Dehnad, A., Mohamadzadeh, S., Bigdeli, S., Nemati-Anaraki, L., Shirazinezhad, H., Bagherzadeh, R.
  • Ghashghaee, A. (2023). Establishing an online writing center for health professions education. International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Analysis, 3(1), 50-62. 
  • Esmaeili, S., Nemati-Anaraki, L., Asadi, S., & Mohamadzadeh, S. (2022). Preferred characteristics of medical library directors: An analytical network process modeling for selection of recruitment criteria in academic institutions. Libri, 72(2), 109-121. 
  • Marefat, H., & Mohammadzadeh, S. (2013). Genre analysis of literature research article abstracts: A cross-linguistic, cross-cultural study. Applied Research on English Language, 2(2), 37-50. 
  • Mohamadzadeh, S., & Mihandoust, P. (2020). A review of English Special: A resource for teaching English at special schools from Grade 7 to 9. Book Review Journal of Foreign Languages, 3(1), 67-74. 
  • Mohamadzadeh, S., Sotoudehnama, E., Marandi, S. S., & Akhavan Tafti, M. (2020). Teaching English to students with dyslexia in Iran: A multiple-case study. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 36(1), 19-33. 
  • Mohamadzadeh, S., Sotoudehnama, E., Marandi, S. S., & Akhavan Tafti, M. (2019). A qualitative analysis of the language learning experiences of students with dyslexia [Persian]. Journal of Exceptional Children, 19(2), 71-88. 
  • Niloofar Mohaghegh, A. D., Maryam Zarghani, Mohammadhiwa Abdekhoda, Shirin Mohamadzadeh. (2019). Clinical residents' perception of clinical librarian services in Iranian teaching hospitals. Libres, 29(1), 37-50. 
  • Rajabpour Azizi, M., Rajabpour Azizi, Z., Akhavan Tafti, M., & Mohamadzadeh, S. (2022). Comparing the graphic performance of students with and without SLDs and ADHD based on FEATS. Art Therapy, 39(3), 146-156. 
  • Ramezani, A., Mihandoust, P., & Mohamadzadeh, S. (2018). Teaching English as a foreign language to students with special needs: A review study [Persian]. Exceptional Children, 18(1), 119-138. 
  • Ramezani, A., Mohamadzadeh, S., & Mihandoust, P. (2023). Teaching English as a foreign language to Iranian 7th graders with intellectual disabilities. Language Related Research, 14(1), 477-500. 
  • Tafti, M. A., Rajabpour, Z., & Mohamadzadeh, S. (2021). A comparison of the diagnostic power of FEATS and Bender-Gestalt test in identifying the problems of students with and without specific learning disorders. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 

Research Projects

  • A comparative study of teaching English as a foreign language to students with intellectual disabilities and designing an appropriate educational program for Iranian students. Project executive: Ahmad Ramezani, Research Institute for Exceptional Children, Organization for Educational Research and Planning (2017) [main collaborator] 
  • Formative evaluation (experimental implementation) of the Literary Sciences and Skills (1) textbook (Grade 10, upper secondary school). Project executive: Ahmad Ramezani, Research Institute for Exceptional Children, Organization for Educational Research and Planning (2015) [collaborator] 

Book Chapter

  • Ramezani, A., Mohamadzadeh, S., & Mihandoust, P. (under publication). Application of technology in teaching Persian as a foreign language [Persian]. Tehran, Iran: Saadi Foundation. 

Book Review

  • Mohamadzadeh, S., & Mihandoust, P. (2020). A Review of English Special: A resource for teaching English at special schools from grade 7 to 9 [Persian]. Book Review Journal of Foreign Languages, 3(1), 67- 74. 


  • Mihandoust, P., & Mohamadzadeh, S. (2019). Inclusion in academic systems: The importance, necessity, benefits, and challenges [Persian]. Payvand, 41(4), 32-33. 

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