

Dr. Petra Turkama received her PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management from Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, in 2006 in information and communication technology management.

Expertise and Experience

Dr. Turkama is an Innovation Management professional with vast international experience in directing and promoting academic institutions, research projects and educational programs in Far East Asia, Middle East and Europe. She has lived in the UAE for the past 9 years. She is a Business Developer and entrepreneur with more than a decade of industry experience in technology management, consulting, marketing and business development in the telecommunications industry.

Dr. Turkama started her career with Nokia Networks, where she worked in various product and business development roles in various European countries. In 2006 she moved into academia, starting as the director of executive development for Aalto University Executive Education in Singapore. In 2009 she became the director of Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research at Aalto University, Helsinki, where she directed and conducted research on broad based multi-disciplinary research projects on ICT innovation, service science, organizational management and policy studies. Currently, she resides in the UAE and works as Director of Innovation at Abu Dhabi University.

Dr. Turkama teaches executive education, post-graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of Innovation and Change Management, Technology Management, Operations Management, Strategy and Research Methods. She teaches Operations Management at UCW.

Publications and Scholarly Activity

Dr. Turkama is a scholar with broad based multi-disciplinary research experience in ICT innovation, service science, organizational management and policy studies, and an active contributor to international innovation and technology management conferences, publications, committees and boards. She has directed numerous applied, publicly funded innovation centers.


Dr. Turkama’s main research interests are Innovation Management, Technology Management, Entrepreneurship, Institutional Change Management, International Public-Private Partnerships, University-Corporate Knowledge Transfer, Strategic Human Resource Management and Leadership.

  • Ikävalko, H., Smedlund, A., Turkama, P., 2018, Digital Health Platform Complementor Strategies and Effectual Reasoning, Journal of Service Science and Management, Scientific Research, ISSN 1940-9893 Value Creation in the Internet of Things: Mapping Business Models and Ecosystem Roles, Ikävalko, H.,
  • Smedlund, A., Turkama, P, 2017, Firm Strategies in Open Internet of Things Business Ecosystems: Framework and Case Study, Technology Innovation Management Review, Ontario, Canada
  • Turkama, P, 2017, Building inclusive digital societies through the use of open source technologies, EPH – International Journal of Business & Management Science, Volume 2 Issue 10, October 2017, Engineers Publication House, Australia
  • Ikävalko, H., Smedlund, A., Turkama, P, 2017, Firm Strategies in Open Internet of Things Business Ecosystems: Framework and Case Study, 51th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) proceedings
  • Smedlund, A., Ikävalko, H., Turkama, P, 2017, Enabling the mapping of Internet of Things ecosystem business models through roles and activities in value co-creation, 51th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) proceedings
  • Turkama Petra, 2017, Building Inclusive digital societies through the use of open source technologies in ICT for a better life and a better world, Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, Springer, 2018
  • Turkama Petra, 2017, The Future Focus for Open Innovation, European Commission, DG Connect Open Innovation Yearbook 2017-2018
  • Turkama Petra, Kulkki Seija, Open Innovation for the Next Century, European Commission Open Innovation Yearbook, 2016
  • Kubler, Sylvain, Hollström, Jan, Främling, Kary, Turkama, Petra, 2015, Technological Theory of Cloud Manufacturing, "Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing"
  • in the Springer book series “Studies in Computational Intelligence”, vol 640
  • Turkama, Petra, Kubler, Sylvain, Främling, Kary, Hiekkanen, Kari, 2015, Customer-Oriented Cloud Computing Service Model, International Journal on Information Management, Special Issue on Cloud Computing Transformations, August, 2015, Elsevier
  • Smedlund, Anssi, Turkama, Petra, 2015, Cloud Computing as a Service System Platform, International Journal on Information Management, Special Issue on Cloud Computing Transformations, August, 2015, Elsevier (in print)
  • Turkama, Petra, 2015, Discussion on the Renewed Dynamics of Policy, Science and Industry in Digitalization –Case Future Internet Public-Private Partnership, CONCORDi 2015 Conference, October 12, Seville, Spain
  • Turkama, Petra, 2015, Innovating on Cloud Computing Platforms, Proceedings of ISPIM conference, Editors: Huizingh Eelko, Torkkeli Marko, Conn Steffen, and Bitran Iain. LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications 40. Tutkimusraportit – Research Reports, ISSN-L 2243-3376, ISSN 2243-3376. ISBN 978-952-265-779-4
  • Turkama, Petra, Shcffers, Hans, 2015, Research and Innovation Programmes Shaping Ecosystems for Open Innovation – Some Lessons, European Commission, DG Connect Open Innovation Yearbook 2015
  • Turkama Petra, Pietikäinen Jorma, 2015, Ikäihmiset kehittäjinä omassa ympäristössään in Hyvinvointia ja energiatehokasta asumista ikäihmisten ehdoilla, Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja
  • Turkama Petra, 2014, Designing Smart City Health Care Services in Living Lab Context –Case Helsinki Home Care, The Interdisciplinary Studies Journal (ISJ), Special Issue “How-to integrate open innovation and ICT technologies in service design and delivery within a Smart City”, March 2014
  • Turkama Petra, Schaffers Hans, 2014, Creating Ecosystems for Open Innovation in European Large-Scale Research and Innovation Initiatives, European Commission, DG Connect Open Innovation Yearbook 2014
  • Turkama, Petra, 2013, ICT and Social Media Technologies’ Impact on Business Modelling International Journal of Advanced Research in Business, www.intlafr.com
  • Turkama Petra, Launonen Pentti, 2013, Innovating with and for Public Sector, European Commission, DG Information society and Media yearbook 2013

Contact her through LinkedIn.