Dr. Naji Yazdi

Assistant Professor - CTFaculty


Dr. Naji Yazdi holds a Doctorate in Business Administration, an MBA, and MA in Teaching and a BA in Mining Engineering in addition to several years of entrepreneurship, business coaching and negotiation experience.

Expertise and Experience

As an entrepreneur, Dr. Yazdi has been involved in establishing and operating several successful businesses in different countries. He was one of the founders of Service Development Landmark (SDL) in Sharjah, UAE. He also founded three consulting companies in Iran, a supply management services company in China and two businesses in Canada, one providing immigration services, and one exporting athletic nutrition supplements. Studying and working in a range of fields and industries, Dr. Yazdi has accumulated first-hand experience in the food industry, sanitary ware, auto parts, heavy duty industrial machineries and ceramics.

Dr. Yazdi has traveled extensively, to 25 countries, and frequently to China for business and to discover and understand different cultures, behaviors and workplace standards, which has helped him to successfully facilitate learning in a diverse class. He brings first-hand examples from the industries he has worked in. In 2020 Dr. Yazdi was the recipient of the Intercultural Trust Award, Multiculturalism and Anti Racism from the Government of British Columbia, Canada.

Dr. Yazdi taught at the University of Tehran and the National Iranian Oil Company and has been a guest lecturer at Camosun College and the University of Victoria since 2017. He earned his diploma in PIDP from the BC Provincial Instructor Diploma Program in 2016. He teaches business communications and in the MBA Foundation program at University Canada West.

Publications and Scholarly Activity

  • Naji Yazdi, Fatemeh Moafian ,The refusal of request speech act in Persian, English, and Balouchi languages: A cross-cultural and cross-linguistic study, IRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, May 2019
  • Fatemeh Moafian, Naji Yazdi, A gendered study of refusal of request speech act in the three languages of Persian, English and Balouchi: a within language study, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, June 2018
  • M. Emami, Naji Khodashenas, Javad Hosseini, Assessment of corporate social responsibility in the “Ports & Maritime Organization” of Iran, to improve the effectiveness of the organization's activities in the framework of the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), Jun 2014
  • Peyman Afzal, Naji Khodashenas, Identification Of Targets For Copper Mineralization Using Multi-Spectral Analysis Of Aster Satellite Images In Hashtijan , Nw Iran , Aug 2013
  • Peyman Afzal, Naji Khodashenas, Application of Concentration-Area fractal method for determination of Fe geochemical anomalies and the background in Zaghia area, Central Iran, 34th International Geological Congress (IGC), Aug 2012,
  • Naji Khodashenas, Roya Khoii, S. Behafarin, Applying the theory of Multiple Intelligences in teaching, Tarbiat Modares Journal, Sep 2011


  • 2020 Paulding Shield Award, First Canadian Toastmasters Club
  • 2020 Intercultural Trust Award, Multiculturalism and Anti Racism, Government of B.C.
  • Distinguished Toastmasters Award (DTM), Toastmasters International 2020
  • Advanced GOLD Leader Award, Toastmasters International, 2020
  • Advanced Silver Communicator Award, Toastmasters International, 2019
  • Triple Crown Award, Toastmasters International, Victoria, Canada, 2017
  • Excellence in Starting Strong Award, Camosun College, Victoria B.C., 2014
  • Certificate of Appreciation, Teaching ESL Conference, T.R.U., Kamloops, 2012
  • Certificate of Appreciation, Excellence in Teaching, NIOC, Tehran, 2010
  • Top MBA Student Award, first rank, Bahar Business School, Tehran, 2008

In his free time Dr. Yazdi is an open water scuba diver and a Distinguished Toastmaster and a professional speaker in Persian and English.