Dr. Mohsen Hadian
Dr. Mohsen Hadian has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Tarbiat Modares University.
He currently teaches machine learning courses at University Canada West.
Expertise and Experience
Dr. Hadian has been teaching computer programming and machine learning for more than 10 years.
He believes in fostering a collaborative and hands-on learning environment where students can actively engage with course material and build practical skills. His goal is to empower students to become independent learners and critical thinkers and he hopes to inspire his students to use the knowledge and skills they gain in his class to make a positive impact on the world.
Dr. Hadian has also held positions as a Machine Learning and Robotics Engineer at the University of Saskatchewan, as a Founder and Data Scientist at ImiRoad in Victoria, and as a machine learning consultant at Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran, Iran. Dr. Hadia is a co-founder and data scientist at Teachingate in Saskatoon and worked as a biostatistician at Khuzestan Cochlear Implant Center in Ahvaz, Iran, and taught Machine Learning and Control Engineering at the Petroleum University of Technology in Ahvaz.
Publications and Scholarly Activity
Journal publications:
- Salahshoor, K., & Hadian, M. (2014). A decentralized event-based model predictive controller design method for large-scale systems. Automatic Control and Information Sciences, 2(1), 26-31.
- Hadian, M., Asheri, M. H., & Salahshoor, K. (2014). A novel exergy-event based model predictive control strategy for energy saving. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 21, 712-717.
- Hadian, M., AliAkbari, N., & Karami, M. (2015). Using artificial neural network predictive controller optimized with Cuckoo Algorithm for pressure tracking in gas distribution network. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 27, 1446-1454.
- Pooyan, N., Shahbazian, M., & Hadian, M. (2015). Simultaneous fault diagnosis using multi class support vector machine in a dew point process. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 23, 373-379.
- Jamshidian, M., Hadian, M., Zadeh, M. M., Kazempoor, Z., Bazargan, P., & Salehi, H. (2015). Prediction of free flowing porosity and permeability based on conventional well logging data using artificial neural networks optimized by imperialist competitive algorithm–a case study in the South Pars Gas field. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 24, 89-98.
- Jamshidian, M., Mansouri Zadeh, M., Hadian, M., Nekoeian, S., & Mansouri Zadeh, M. (2017). Estimation of minimum horizontal stress, geomechanical modeling and hybrid neural network based on conventional well logging data–a case study. Geosystem Engineering, 20(2), 88-103.
- Jamshidian, M., Zadeh, M. M., Hadian, M., Moghadasi, R., & Mohammadzadeh, O. (2018). A novel estimation method for capillary pressure curves based on routine core analysis data using artificial neural networks optimized by Cuckoo algorithm–A case study. Fuel, 220, 363-378.
- Aarabi, A., Shahbazian, M., Hadian, M. (2018), A Novel Hybrid Fuzzy PID Controller based on GA-PSO Optimization, International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology,6(2), 21-25.
- Hadian, M., Aarabi, A., Makvand, A. B., & Mehrshadian, M. (2019). A New Event-Based PI Controller Using Evolutionary Algorithms. Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, 30(6), 841-849.
- Babaei, M., Azizi, E., Beheshti, M. T., & Hadian, M. (2020). Data-Driven load management of stand-alone residential buildings including renewable resources, energy storage system, and electric vehicle. Journal of Energy Storage, 28, 101221.
- Salahshoor, K., Asheri, M. H., Hadian, M., Doostinia, M., & Babaei, M. (2020). A novel exergy-based optimization approach in model predictive control for energy-saving assessment. Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, 31(6), 1481-1488.
- Hadian, M., Ramezani, A., & Zhang, W. (2021). Robust Model Predictive Controller Using Recurrent Neural Networks for Input–Output Linear Parameter Varying Systems. Electronics, 10(13), 1557.
- Hadian, M., Mehrshadian, M., Karami, M., & Biglary Makvand, A. (2021). Event‐based neural network predictive controller application for a distillation column. Asian Journal of Control, 23(2), 811-823.
- Etesami, D., Zhang, W. J., & Hadian, M. (2021). A formation-based approach for modeling of rate of penetration for an offshore gas field using artificial neural networks. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 95, 104104.
- Hadian, M., Ramezani, A. & Zhang, W. An interpolation-based model predictive controller for input–output linear parameter varying systems. Int. J. Dynam. Control (2022).
- Aarabi, A., Shahbazian, M., & Hadian, M. (2015, May). Improved closed loop performance and control signal using evolutionary algorithms based PID controller. In Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), 2015 16th International (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Sanami S, Shahbazian M and Hadian, M., Application of Fractional Order PID Controller Tuned by Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm. First international conference on new achievements in electrical and computer engineering, 2016.
- Fard, A. N., Shahbazian, M., & Hadian, M. (2016, August). Adaptive fuzzy controller based on cuckoo optimization algorithm for a distillation column. In Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA), 2016 International Conference on (pp. 93-97). IEEE.
- Hadian, M., Saryazdi, S. M. E., Mohammadzadeh, A., & Babaei, M. (2021). Application of artificial intelligence in modeling, control, and fault diagnosis. In Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Process Systems Engineering (pp. 255-323). Elsevier.
- Dean’s scholarship University of Saskatchewan
- Devolved scholarship University of Saskatchewan
- Scientific reviewer of Several Journals in Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, and IEEE.
- Canada Science Fair Judge, 4-H Canada Organization, Feb 2020.
- Winner of SIGMA entrepreneurship at the University of Saskatchewan
- Top 10 SK Tech Startup nominated by Co. Launch Cohort 8 at Co. Labs
Contact him through LinkedIn.