Dr. Melike Asli Sim

Dr. Melike Asli Sim

Sessional FacultyFaculty, Staff

Dr. Melike Asli Sim completed her PhD in the Department of Design, Technology & Society at Koç University (2021, Turkey). She also holds a master’s degree from the same department (2016), an MA in Sociology and Social Anthropology from Central European University (2005, Hungary) and a BA in Political Science and International Relations from Marmara University (2004, Turkey).

In addition, she has a teaching certificate, instructor certificate and CEU Alumni Leadership certificate.

Her teaching portfolio includes a variety of ethnographic writing courses and her doctoral research concentrated on women’s negotiation of fame, labour and identity within digital platforms, employing a mix of traditional and digital ethnographic research methods. Moreover, she has administered project writing courses for anthropology students, guiding them through the intricacies of ethnographic data collection, analysis and writing. Her pedagogical approach is characterized by an emphasis on interactive and contemporary learning environments, fostering student engagement using cutting-edge technology and collaborative platforms. She places great value on cultivating face-to-face interactions with students, nurturing their research endeavours, and assisting them in developing their theoretical frameworks and research projects.

Dr. Melike Asli Sim teaches Introduction to Anthropology and Introduction to Sociology at University Canada West.


Expertise and Experience

During her PhD, Melike Asli Sim received a full scholarship and worked as a teaching and research assistant, instructing courses such as Media and Identity, Sociology of Communication and Information, Political Economy of Culture and Media and Labour. She also contributed to various research projects as a research assistant in the Department of Media and Visual Arts at Koç University, Istanbul.

After completing her PhD, she gained experience as a lecturer and visiting scholar in Turkish universities. She served as a visiting lecturer in the Anthropology Department at Yeditepe University, where she taught courses at both the BA and MA levels. These courses included Gender and Culture, Digital Ethnography, Current Issues in Digital Anthropology, Introduction to Anthropology, Applied Anthropology, Ethnography: Critics and Applications and Project Writing in Social Sciences. She also worked at Uskudar University, teaching Design Thinking classes at both the BA and MA levels in the Visual Arts department.


Publications and Scholarly Activity


  • Sim, M.A. (2023). Women Bloggers’ Quest for Fame, Labor and Identity: Hopeful Journeys. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. UK.
  • Şahinsoy, M.A. (2010). Istanbul’da Rock Kültürü: Yeraltından Yeryüzüne, Istanbul: Clinart Stratejik Araştırmalar Yayıncılık,

Journal Publications

  • Sim, M.A. (2021). A Quantitative Approach: Hope Labor Among Turkish Female Bloggers. Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Letters, 38(2), 631-654. Doi:10.32600/huefd.743774
  • Sim, M.A. (2020). An Ethnographic Approach: Female Blogosphere in Turkey. Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, 1 (3), 61-82. DOI: 10.33708/ktc.713543
  • Sim, M.A. (2017). Unveiling the Secret Stories: Conservative Female Blogosphere in Turkey. Galatasaray University Journal of Communication, 26, 39-63.

Book Chapters

  • Sim, M.A. (2024). “Women as Hoping Subjects: Negotiating Fame, Labour and Identity in Turkish Blogosphere” in Gender: Representation, Engagement and Expression in the Digital Sphere. Rowman & Littlefield International, Maryland-USA.
  • M.A. (2023). “Türkiye’de Amatör Blogcu Kadınlar: Dijital Gösteri Çağında Umut Kavramını Yeniden Düşünmek” in Türkiye’de Feminizm ve Dijital Medya. Uğur Mumcu Araştırmacı Gazetecilik Vakfı, Ankara.


  • M.A. (2019). Conservative in Belief, Modern in Lifestyle: Fashion Blogging as a New Habitus for Hybrid Identities”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. 12-14 September 2019, University of Washington, Rome-Italy.

Book Reviews

  • Sim, M.A. (2014). Book Review: More Than A Glitch: Confronting Race, Gender, and Ability Bias in Tech by Meredith Broussard. International Journal of Communication (in editing).
  • Sim, M.A. (2016). Book Review: The Routledge Companion to Media and Gender, edited by Cynthia Carter, Linda Steiner, and Lisa McLaughlin. International Journal of Communication, 10: 1548-1551.
  • Sim, M.A. (2018). Review of Media in New Turkey: The Origins of an Authoritarian Neoliberal State by Bilge Yeş International Journal of Communication, 12: 1647–1650.

Conference Papers

  • 15-16 October, 2021. “Women as Hoping Subjects: Negotiating Fame, Labor and Identity in Turkish Blogosphere”. GEMMA 2021, Gender and Media Matters: Widening the Horizons of the Field of Study. Sapienza University of Rome.
  • 12-17 July, 2020. “Construction of a Conservative Woman Image through Visual Representation of Fashion Bloggers” IAMCR Conference. University of Leicester, UK. (Abstract published in IAMCR 2020 Islam and Media Working Group Abstract Book)
  • 12-17 July, 2020. “Women as Hoping Subjects: Negotiating Fame, Labor and Identity in Turkish Blogosphere”. IAMCR 2020. University of Tampere, Finland. (Abstract published in IAMCR 2020 Gender and Communication Section Abstract Book)
  • 12-14 September, 2019. “Conservative in Belief, Modern in Lifestyle: Fashion Blogging as a New Habitus of Hybrid Identities”. 2nd International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Washington, Rome-Italy.
  • 27-29 July, 2017. “Unveiling the Secret Stories: Conservative Female Blogosphere in Turkey”. Console-ing Passions Conference 2017. East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.
  • 27-31 July, 2016. “Unveiling the Secret Stories: Conservative Female Blogosphere in Turkey”. IAMCR Conference. University of Leicester, UK. (Abstract published in IAMCR 2016 Gender and Communication Section Abstract Book)

Workshop Papers

  • 12 April 2017. “Türkiye’deki Kadın Blog Yazarlarının Dijital Emek Üretimi: Kimlik mi Meslek mi?” Yeni Medya Çalışmaları Araştırma Tasarımı Atölyesi. Istanbul University.


  • “Tasarım Ne Bekler?” Bahar 2016. Cogito. Sayı: 83. İstanbul: Yapıkredi Yayınları.
  • Bulut, E. (2018). “Interview with Brooke Erin Duffy: Love and Aspirational Labor in the Creative Industries”, Moment Dergi.
  • Bruszt, L., Vedres, B. and D. Stark. (2005). “Shaping the Web of Civic Participation: Civil Society Websites in Eastern Europe”, Journal of Public Policy 25(01).


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