Dr. Mazyar Zahedi-Seresht
Between 2018 and 2020 Dr. Mazyar Zahedi-Seresht was a Postdoctoral Researcher with the Department of Economics (University of Economics Prague- Department of Economics and Management) on three projects.
Dr. Zahedi-Seresht holds a PhD in operations research from Kharazmi University.
He earned his master’s degree and his bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics (operations research) at the University of Tehran.
Dr. Zahedi-Seresht teaches courses in UCW's graduate and undergraduate programs, including:
- OPMT 620 Operations Management
- MBAF 502 Quantitative Skills for Business
- MATH 101 Business Mathematics
- MATH 105 Algebra and Trigonometry
- MATH 200 Business Statistics
Expertise and Experience
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Operations Research Specialist li>
- Date Science (Operations Research) Team Lead/Operational Manager
- Head of Industrial Engineering Department
- Lecturer
Dr. Zahedi-Seresht gained valuable classroom experience as an instructor for undergraduate and graduate courses, including operations research, operations management, project control and management, business mathematics and business statistics for mathematics, industrial engineering and management students for about 20 years. He has supervised many graduate students overseeing their theses.
The focus on Dr. Zahedi-Seresht’s PhD dissertation was on the ranking extreme and non-extreme Decision-Making Units (DMUs) in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with different scenarios under uncertainty. The proposed robust DEA model has been applied in a large construction company with different project portfolios such as power, oil, gas and rail transportation.
He has more than 10 journal papers and worked with different research groups and has published more than 20 books, which are used as Persian reference books in operations research, mathematics and project control and management in the universities. Most industrial engineering, mathematics and management students in Iran not only are aware of his publications but also use his handbooks.
- (under review). Khosravi S., Bozorgi A., Akbari Jokar MR., Zahedi-Seresht M., Jablonsky J., Post-pandemic redesigning hub-and-spoke transportation networks with congestion and flow-based cost function, European Journal of Operational Research.
- 2020. Zahedi-Seresht M., Khosravi S., Jablonsky J., Zaykova P., A model for ranking units for multi- scenario inputs and outputs in Data Envelopment Analysis, Computers & Industrial Engineering.
- (under review). Asgharinia S.,Mehrabian S., Zhiani Rezaei H.,Zahedi-Seresht M., Allocating Fixed Costs: A goal programming model based on Data Envelopment Analysis, International Journal of Industrial Mathematics.
- 2017. Zahedi-Seresht M., Jahanshahloo G.R., Jablonsky J., A robust Data Envelopment Analysis model with different scenarios, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017 (52). 306-319
- 2017. Zahedi-Seresht M., Jahanshahloo G.R., Jablonsky J., Asghariniya S., A new simple Monte Carlo based procedure for complete ranking efficient units in DEA Models, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (NACO) Journal, 2017; 7(4), 403-416
- 2016. Zahedi-Seresht M., Mehrabian S., Jahanshahloo G.R.’ A new method for ranking distribution companies with several scenarios data by using DEA/MADM. International Journal of Applied Operational Research, 2016; 6 (3)
- 2015. Jahanshahloo G.R., Zahedi-Seresht M., Utilizing Monte Carlo method for ranking extreme efficient units in Data Envelopment Analysis, Journal of New Researches in Mathematics, 2015 (1), 23-40.
- 2014. Zahedi-Seresht M., Akbari Jokar M.R., khosravi S., Afshari H., Construction project success ranking through the Data Envelopment Analysis, Journal of Data Envelopment Analysis and Decision Science, 2014, 1-13
- 2014. Zahedi-Seresht M., Khosravi S., A method for ranking non-extreme efficient DMUs, 44th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE44), Istanbul, Turkey 2014, 14-16
- 2007. Zahedi-Seresht M., SDS Method as a solution for any LP problems without Artificial variable(s), The Journal of Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics (ATAM), 2007;2 (2), 175-179
- 2005. Zahedi-Seresht M., Eshaghi Gordji M.,Matrix Ratio Test for finding Basic Feasible Solution without using artificial variable(s), The International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(IJPAM), 2005;19(2), 249-252
- 2005. Zahedi-Seresht M., Eshaghi Gordji M., Big matrix method for finding unboundedness of one of the primal or dual feasible region in LP problems, The International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM), 19 (3), 2005, 337-342
- 2016. Zahedi-Seresht M., Khosravi S., Project Control and Management, Negah-e-Danesh (Publisher), Tehran
- 2010. Zahedi-Seresht M., Operations Research II (Integer Linear Programming, Network Flows, Non-Linear Programming, Dynamic Programming, Game theory ), Negah-e-Danesh (Publisher), Tehran
- 2009. Zahedi-Seresht M., Khosravi S., Operations Research I (Linear Programming, Network Flows, Transportation and Assignment), Negah-e-Danesh (Publisher), Tehran
- 2007. Zahedi-Seresht M., More Practices on Operations Research, Poran Pajoohesh (Publisher)
- 2006. Zahedi-Seresht M., Operations research I (For Industrial Engineering), Hafiz (Publisher)
- 2005. Zahedi-Seresht M., Numerical Analysis I, Hafiz (Publisher)
- 2005. Zahedi-Seresht M., Operations research I (For Management), Hafiz (Publisher)
- 2003. Zahedi-Seresht M., Ebrahimi Bagha D., Poorbahri O., Hassankhani H., Solution Manual Of Pre-Calculus, Hafiz (Publisher)
- 2002. Zahedi-Seresht M., Ebrahimi Bagha D., Poorbahri O., Hassankhani M., Calculus I, Hafiz (Publisher)
- 2002. Zahedi-Seresht M., Ebrahimi Bagha D., Poorbahri O., Hassankhani M., Pre-Calculus, Hafiz (Publisher)
- 2000. Zahedi-Seresht M., Abbasi S., Solution Manual of Linear Programming by M.Bazaraa, Nashre Ketabe Daneshgahi (Publisher)
Contact him through LinkedIn.