Dr. Lauren Florko
Dr. Lauren Florko has a PhD and MSc in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Saint Mary’s University and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a Commerce Minor from the University of British Columbia.
She specializes in talent management and for more than a decade has worked for public, private, for-profit and non-for-profit organizations, both at a local and global level.
Expertise and Experience
Dr. Florko also owns her own company, Triple Threat Consulting, based out of Vancouver, British Columbia. She has consulted for a variety of industries including biotechnology, healthcare, public service, academia and manufacturing.
She worked with Finning International where her portfolio included global strategy and program development for organizational development, engagement, diversity and inclusion, performance management and organizational design.
She is currently the Vice President of the Board of Directors for the CoRe Conflict Resolution Society. CoRe provides conflict resolution education to enhance more collaborative decision-making processes.
Teaching and Research
Dr. Florko has taught both academically and within businesses on topics such as consulting, performance management, statistics, communication, business fundamentals and research methods. No matter the audience, her teaching philosophy is to deliver cutting-edge research while remaining rooted in practical application.
Her current research interests include people strategy with a corporate social responsibility framework, alternative work arrangements, inclusive workplace development and design
Dr. Florko has previously researched a variety of topics including workplace stress, test theory, and gender bias.
- Florko, L. & Kocum, L., (in progress). Examining gender test bias on the Wonderlic Personnel Test. Manuscript in draft.
- Kocum, L., Solomon, J., & Florko, L. (in progress). Item Response Theory as a valuable tool for Industrial/Organizational Psychologist. Manuscript in draft.
- Kocum, L., Kristjansson, E., Rye, B.J., Florko, L., Solomon, J., & Rostaing, J.-E. (in progress). Beyond internal consistency: Further validation of the Neosexism scale using Item Response Theory (IRT). Manuscript submitted for peer-review.
- Florko, L. (2019). One size does not fit all: A multilevel exploration of job demands and stress experiences mediated by basic psychological needs and double-moderated by job resources. (Unpublished dissertation). Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, N.S.
- Florko, L., & Catano, V. M. (2012). Examining retesting effects on achievement tests. Poster session presented at annual convention of Canadian Psychological Association. Halifax, NS.
- Florko, L. (2012). Measurement and design practices in the first 30 years of the Journal of Applied Psychology. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Canadian Psychological Association. Halifax. NS.
- Florko, L. (2010) Examining coaching and retest effects on aptitude tests (Unpublished master’s thesis). Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, N.S.
- Calnan, K., Donohoe, M., Florko, L., MacPhee, M., Martinell, J., Poirier, L., Wilson, N., Day, A. (2008, Fall). Norm summary report compiled for André Fillion and Associates.
- LeRoy, Z. P., Florko, L., Hakstian, A. R., Cuttler, C., Gonsar, T., Siu, L., Desjardins, N., & Chuapetcharasopon, P. (2008, June). The development and application of an employment-related motivational distortion scale in personality assessment. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, NS.
- LeRoy, Z. P., Hakstian, A. R., Cuttler, C., Gonsar, T., Florko, L., & Siu, L. (2008, April). Understanding employment-related motivational distortion through factor analytic techniques. Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Francisco.
- Mantler, J., Godin, J., Pernica, M., Florko, et al. (2008). Evaluation of RSIGuard at MKTG Ltd.
- Gonsar, T., Florko, L., Siu, L., Cuttler, C. & Hakstian, A. R. (2006, May) Tick vs. click: Does online administration influence cognitive test performance? Poster session presented at the annual conference of North West Cognition and Memory, Vancouver, BC.
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