Dr. Hamed Taherdoost


Dr. Hamed Taherdoost has a PhD in Computer Science from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, a Master of Computer Science (Information Security), and a bachelor’s degree in the field of Science of Power Electricity.

He is Senior Member of IEEE, Certified Cyber Security Technologists and Certified Graduate Technologist, attained skills in Certified Information Systems (CIS), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), and Certified Information Security Manager (CISM).

Dr. Taherdoost is currently an Associate Professor at University Canada West teaching Management Information Systems, Research Methods, E-Business, Data Visualization and Storytelling, Business Analytics, Business Capstone I and II courses.

Expertise and Experience

Dr. Taherdoost is an award-winning leader and research and development professional with over 20 years of experience in both industry and academia.

He has worked at international companies in Cyprus, the UK, Malta, Iran, Malaysia and Canada and has been highly involved in the development of several projects in different industries including healthcare, transportation, residential, oil and gas and IT, and has held positions as varied as R&D Manager, Project Manager, Tech Lead and Chief Technology Officer (CTO).

In addition to his experience in industry, he is also an accomplished academic.

He has been a university lecturer in three different parts of the world, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North America. His academic experience began 2009 as a lecturer in AU and PNU. He was an Adjunct Professor at Westcliff University and Canadian College. Dr. Taherdoost also worked as a researcher at IAU for more than eight years.

Most recently, he was R&D Manager at Research Club, Malaysia, a Mentor at Publons Academy and Vancouver Island University’s CETP program and he is the Founder of Hamta Group | Hamta Business Solution, CTO at OBS Tech Limited, Senior Technical Consultant at CI Solutions Ltd, Quark Minded Technology Inc and Innotek Consulting Ltd, Canada and Advisory Board of Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, and Scientific Board of NASS, Singapore.

Dr. Taherdoost has also organized and chaired numerous workshops, conferences and conference sessions, and has delivered speeches as chief guest and keynote speaker at many international conferences.

As an active multidisciplinary researcher and R&D specialist, he has been involved in several academic and industrial research projects, worked with researchers from various disciplines and been actively engaged in different research studies.

Publications and Scholarly Activity

Dr. Taherdoost is the editor, reviewer and advisory board member of some authentic peer-reviewed journals publishing with Taylor & Francis, Springer, Emerald, Elsevier, MDPI, EAI and IGI Publishing and Inderscience, and has been a Scientific and/or Technical Program Committee member for more than 200 international conferences.

He has published more than 200 scientific articles in authentic peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings (h-index = 34; i10-index = 68; over 10,000 citations on Google Scholar; over 2.6 million reads and 4993 citations on ResearchGate; 142,165 downloads on SSRN till May 2023), 17 book chapters as well as 12 books in the field of technology and research methodology.

Some of his recent publications are listed below. For the full list, please visit his profile on Google Scholar, Scopus, ResearchGate, or ORCID.

Dr. Taherdoost’s research and industry areas of interest include management of information systems, technology acceptance models and frameworks, information security management, cybersecurity, performance evaluation, multi-criteria decision analysis, blockchain, and user acceptance testing.

He is currently involved in several multidisciplinary research projects including studying innovation in information technology, cybersecurity, blockchain, and people’s behavior and technology acceptance.


Dr. Taherdoost was the PeerJ Award winner and the winner of Business Excellence Award for business leadership, innovation and creativity, and results achieved, and was also selected as a qualified recipient of the Promising Startups in Asia at Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability Awards.

He was a finalist for the Innovation in Teaching of Research Methodology Excellence Awards and was nominated as a finalist for the Southeast Asian Startup Awards by Global Startup Awards, and awarded the Outstanding Editorial Board Member from Bilingual Publishing Co.

He was ranked as ninth top SSRN Business Authors among world’s most-cited researchers until the end of July 2022, the fifth top SSRN Business Author by March 2023, awarded the most read contributions from Canada by ResearchGate for July and October 2021, and April 2023.

His research achievements also include winning several best paper awards, outstanding reviewer awards and best presentation awards like MLIS 2021 & 2022. He was listed on the Stanford-Elsevier list of World’s top 2% of Scientists by August 2021 and 2022.

He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, IAEEEE, IASED, IEDRC and HKSRA, Fellow Member of ISAC, and a member of the working group for International Federation for Information Processing - IFIP TC 11 - Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance and Information Security Management, British Science Association, American Association for Science and Technology, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) and many other professional bodies.

Contact him through LinkedIn.