Dr. Eli Sopow
Dr. Eli Sopow has a PhD in Human and Organizational Systems, a Master of Arts in Human Development, a Master of Arts in Leadership, a Certificate for Peer Counselling and a Diploma in Public Sector Management.
He believes that learning is an ongoing, collaborative process of exploration, sharing, challenging of the status quo, respect, and very active listening and constant questioning to arrive at evidence-based conclusions.
Expertise and Experience
Dr. Sopow considers himself a “pracademic,” meaning a practical academic. Leadership and learning roles include senior executive with Canada’s national police service in charge of divisional research, analysis and environmental scanning, plus national Research Director of the change management project; Partner and Vice-President for an international management consulting firm; associate Deputy Minister and staff advisor to the Government of British Columbia; and, a business and political journalist.
Publications and Scholarly Activity
Select Journals (including peer assessed academic ejournals):
- 2023. Brenda Lucki's retirement will not fix the RCMP’s structural problems. The Conversation.
- 2022. Leadership training in the post-pandemic world. BC Business journal
- 2022 (Griffiths, C.T., Sopow, E., Murphy J.J.). Resource Review of the Prince George RCMP Detachment (public technical research report commissioned by City of Prince George)
- 2022. (Griffiths, C.T., Sopow, E., Murphy J.J.). Resource Review of the Penticton RCMP Detachment, Penticton Fire & Rescue, & Penticton Bylaw & Community Safety Program (public technical research report commissioned by City of Penticton)
- 2022. Elon Musk's archaic management style prioritizes profit over people. The Conversation
- June 2022. Alleged political interference in the N.S. mass shootings means the RCMP must be restructured. The Conversation.
- 2022. How Canada’s “Freedom Convoy” Was Overtaken by a Radical Fringe. The Conversation.
- 22. Fear of Covid-19 and Fear of Change are Dangerously Intertwined for 2022. The Conversation.
- 2021. (Griffiths, C.T., Sopow, E., Murphy J.J.). The Mental Health and Well-Being of Sworn Officers and Civilians in the Victoria, British Columbia Police Department. (Public released technical research report commission by Victoria police department and representative union.
- Triggers of Public Protest, Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs
- Aligning Workplace Wellness with Global Change: An Integrated Model. Journal of Organizational Change Management.
- The reality of Respect: Respectful Workplace Literature Review and Employee Survey Analysis. Research Gate.
- RCMP Leadership in thec21st Century: The Need for Boundary Spanning Leadership. Research Gate.
- The impact of culture and climate on change: Distinguishing between culture and climate to change the organization. Strategic HR Review.
- The Communication Climate Change at the RCMP. Strategic Communications Management.
- The Impact of Culture and Climate on Change Programs. Strategic Communications Management.
- Book Chapter, Communication, Ethics, and Vision Trump Experience. Leading in Complex Worlds. International Leadership Association, Jossey-Bass.
- The Age of Outrage: The Role of Emotional and Organizational Factors on Protest Policing and Political Opportunity Frames. VDM Verlag publisher, Germany.
- Corporate Personality Disorder: Surviving and Saving Sick Organizations. iUniverse publisher, Lincoln NB, USA.
- 2022 Recipient of the UCW Sustained Excellence in Teaching Award
- 2022 recipient of the UCW Always Chase Excellent Award
- 2017 RCMP Commanding Officer’s Award for Excellence in Environmental Scanning
- 2003 RCMP National Award of Distinction Communication Strategy
- 2003 RCMP National Award of Distinction for Issues Management
- 2000 Howard Chase international Award for Issues Management, present in Washington D.C. by Issues Management Council.
- 1972-1975 Received eight awards for outstanding journalism in British Columbia
Volunteer Activity
Past board member for the International Issues Management Council
Contact him through LinkedIn.