Dr. A K M Mominul Haque Talukder

Dr. A K M Mominul Haque Talukder

Continuing FacultyFaculty

Dr. Mominul Talukder has a PhD in Business (Management) from Western Sydney University, an MBA from Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université Libre De Bruxelles and a Professional 4-year Bachelor of Science in Forestry, University of Chittagong. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria.

Dr. Talukder is currently teaching Leadership in the Global Context and Talent Management courses at University Canada West.

Expertise and Experience

Dr. Talukder has a 17-year track record of experience in teaching at a post-secondary level in the areas of human resources management (HRM), management and organizational behavior with corporate experience in marketing and market research. His career is deeply ingrained in research-teaching convictions.

Dr. Talukder taught International OB and Recruitment and Selection at both UTSC and CIRHR. He taught HRM and Labor Relations and Management Skills Development at DeGroote School of Business of McMaster University. He taught ‘Fundamentals of Marketing’ at Gustavson School of Business of University of Victoria. Previously, he codesigned and taught Enterprise Leadership, Managing People at Work, Innovation and Professional Practice, Business Society and Policy, Economics, and Operations Management for over five years at School of Business (AACSB accredited) of Western Sydney University. Dr. Talukder also taught Global HRM and Sustainability and Cross-Cultural Management in Australian Catholic University and taught ‘Business Research’ in Central Queensland University. Dr. Talukder served as a Senior Lecturer for around eight years in North South University (ACBSP accredited) where he designed and taught several major courses of HRM including HR Planning and Staffing, Strategic HRM, Management Skills Development, Industrial Relations, International HRM and Organizational Behaviour.


  • Gustavson Post-doctoral Research Fellow Grant from University of Victoria, BC (2018-2021)
  • Early Career Fellow of Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN), New York (2020-2021)
  • Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) and International Postgraduate Research Scholarship
  • (IPRS) to pursue doctorate research in Business (Management) (2013-2017)
  • Bursary to pursue MBA from Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management, ULB,
  • Belgium (2003-2004)

Publications and Scholarly Activity

(Referred articles)

  • Talukder, A. (2022). Supervisor family support and job performance: Effects of demand, conflict, balance, and attitude. In Emotions and negativity (Vol. 17, pp. 207-227). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Talukder, A., & Galang, M. C. (2021). Supervisor support for employee performance in Australia: Mediating role of work‐life balance, job, and life attitude. Journal of Employment Counseling, 58, 2- 22. (Cited 70 times).
  • Ghoorah, U., Talukder, A., & Khan, A. (2021). Donors’ perceptions of financial disclosures and links to donation intentions. Accounting Forum, 45(2), 142-170. (Cited 15 times).
  • Talukder, A. (2019). Supervisor support and organizational commitment: The role of work–family conflict, job satisfaction, and work–life balance. Journal of Employment Counseling, 56(3), 98-116. (Cited 207 times).
  • Talukder, A., Vickers, M., & Khan, A. (2018). Supervisor support and work-life balance: Impacts on job performance in the Australian financial sector. Personnel Review, 47(3), 727–744. (Cited 234 times).
  • Talukder, A. (2016). Human Resource Practices Predicting Manager Performance Appraisal: Evidence from an Airline Company in Bangladesh. IBA Business Review, 11, 37-47.
  • Talukder, A. (2016). Work-Life Balance in the Australian Financial Sector: A Mixed Methods Study (Doctoral dissertation, Western Sydney University (Australia)).
  • Ahmed, J. U., Chowdhury, M. H. K., Rahman, S., & Talukder, A. (2014). Academic probation: An empirical study of private university students. Research in Education, 92, 1-17. (Cited 47 times).
  • Talukder, A., & Vickers, M. H. (2014). Work-life balance and manager performance in Bangladesh. International Journal of Management Studies, 21(1), 1-22.
  • Talukder, A. (2014). Perceived importance of job analysis influencing motivation and competencies among blue-collar and white-collar employees. Business Review, 9, 79-91.
  • Talukder, A., & Khan, M. I. (2013). Human Resource Planning and Competitive Advantage: Investigating the Relationship. KASBIT Business Journal, 6, 29-37.
  • Talukder, A. (2012). An Empirical Study of Supportive Communication Impacting Customer Satisfaction in Multinational Company’s Service Industry of Bangladesh. Ege Academic Review, 12(4), 435-448.
  • Miah, K., & Talukder, A. (2012). The Effects of Employees' Perceptions of Performance Appraisal Process of Readymade Garments Industries in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study. IBA Business Review, 7, 94-105.
  • Talukder, A., & Ahmed, J. U. (2012). Effect of Strategic Determinants of Training on the Job Performance, Effectiveness and Efficiency: An Empirical Study. Malaysian Management Journal, 16, 23-42.
  • Ahmed, J. U., Chowdhury, M., Rahman, S., & Talukder, A. (2012). Consumer perceived value formation process: lesson from developing country. Asian Profile, 40, 59-72.
  • Talukder, A. (2011). A shifting paradigm of work-life balance in service context-an empirical study. Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences, 5, 10-23.
  • Triest, L., Trung, L. Q., Talukder, A., & Van Puyvelde, K. (2009). Nuclear cyp73 intron fragment length polymorphism supports morphological analysis of Salix species and hybrids. Plant Biosystems, 143(3), 555-563.
  • Talukder, A. (2010). Impact of super-measure management (SMM) in service industry. African Journal of Business Management, 4(11), 2338-2342.
  • Talukder, A. (2011). Strategic job analysis and competency modeling in HRM: lessons from manufacturing firms in Bangladesh. Journal of economics and behavioral studies, 3(3), 169-176.
  • Talukder, A. (2011). A comparative study of strategic human resource management practices by linking people with strategic needs of business. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 2(5), 191-198.

Publication and Scholarly Activity

(Referred conferences)

  • Talukder, A. (2020). Supervisor family support and life satisfaction: role of work-family conflict and family-work conflict. 63rd Midwest Academy of Management Annual Conference, October 26-29, 2020, USA.
  • Talukder, A., & Galang. M. (2020). “Linking Work Stress to Resilience, Work-Life Balance, and Psychological Well-being: A Framework for Future Research.” 57th Eastern Academy of Management Conference, June 24-26, 2020, Portland, Maine, USA.
  • Talukder, A. (2020). “Does supervisor family support trigger job performance? Role of demand, conflict, balance, and attitude.” 12th International Conference on Emotions and Work-life, Lancaster University, UK and held on July 8-9, 2020.
  • Talukder, A. (2017). Supervisor support, work-life balance, and job performance: Evidence from the Australian financial sector. 31st Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM) at RMIT Business School, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Talukder, A., Vickers. M. & Khan, A. (2016). Supervisor support, work-life balance, and job performance: Role of mediation and interaction in Australian financial sector. Higher Degree Research (HDR) Student Colloquium, organized by School of Business, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia
  • Talukder, A., Vickers. M. & Khan, A. (2016). Work-life balance and employee performance: investigating the relationship in Australian banking industry. Higher Degree Research (HDR) Student Colloquium, organized by School of Business, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia.
  • Talukder, A. (2015). Does conflict impact organizational outcome? an empirical investigation. In 13th South Asian Management Forum: Management and Sustainability: South Asian Perspective, March 26–27, 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka (pp. 20-20).
  • Talukder, A., & Vickers, M. (2014). Revisiting work-life balance and work performance: A research note. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference at UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
  • Talukder, A., & Vickers, M. H. (2014). Impact of training on manager performance: learning from two airlines. In Proceedings of the 28th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2014): Reshaping Management for Impact, 3-5 December 2014, UTS Business School, Sydney, Australia.
  • Talukder, A., & Vickers, M. H. (2014). Effects of performance appraisal on organizational performance: evidence from a public bank in Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the 28th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2014): Reshaping Management for Impact, 3-5 December 2014, UTS Business School, Sydney, Australia.
  • Talukder, A., Vickers, M. H., & Morin, A. J. (2013). Exploring the link between work-life balance and employee performance: a review for future research. In Proceedings of the 27th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: Managing on the Edge: 4-6 December 2013, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
  • Talukder, A. (2013). Work-life balance influences employee’s performance: An empirical investigation in Bangladesh. In Abstracts of the 2013 Joint SELF Biennial International Conference and Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference, 9-11 September 2013, Singapore (pp. 217-217).
  • Talukder, A. (2012, January). Perceived importance of job analysis impacting motivation and competencies among blue and white-collar employees. In KNOWLEDGE GLOBALIZATION CONFERENCE, PUNE, INDIA January 5-7, 2012 (p. 349).
  • Talukder, A. (2012). Factors driving retention management in a manufacturing firm of Bangladesh. In Fourth International Global Business and Management Forum on Best of Breed Practices in Changing Global Business Environment, 16-17 December 2012, GHS-IMR, Kanpur, India.
  • Talukder, A. (2012). Human resource information system and employee performance in banking industry of Bangladesh. In Fourth International Global Business and Management Forum on Best of Breed Practices in Changing Global Business Environment, 16-17 December 2012, GHS-IMR, Kanpur, India.
  • Talukder, A. (2011, October). An Empirical Study of Fitting Super-Measure Management (SMM) In Hospitals of Bangladesh. In KNOWLEDGE GLOBALIZATION CONFERENCE, BOSTON, MASSACUSETTS OCTOBER 16-17, 2011 (p. 132).
  • Talukder, A. (2011). An empirical study of workplace factors affecting job satisfaction among managerial and non-managerial employees in manufacturing firms in Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the 9th Asian Academy of Management International Conference (AAMC2011), October 14-16, 2011, Penang, Malaysia (pp. 689-698).
  • Talukder, A. (2011). Does supportive communication moderate customer satisfaction? an empirical study of service context. In South Asian Management Forum (SAMF 2011), Pātan, Nepal, 16-18 May 2011 (pp. 36-36).

Non-Referred Articles (Published):

  • Talukder, A. (2014). Workforce wants conditions that suits lifestyles. Western Sydney Business Access, 41, 3

Professional Affiliations

  • CPHR (BC and Yukon)
  • Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN)
  • Academy of Management (AOM)
  • Eastern Academy of Management (EAM)
  • Midwest Academy of Management (MWAM)
  • Australiana and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM)

Ad hoc Reviewers

  • Career Development International
  • Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal
  • International Journal of Manpower
  • Journal of Financial Services Marketing
  • AOM Conference
  • EAM Conference
  • MWAM Conference
  • ANZAM Conference