Effective study tips for university studentsEducation Careers Tips

Effective study tips for university students

13-01-2023University Canada West

It’s back to the books for students as another term begins and now is a good time to review study habits.

Studying for your classes will take a lot of hard work and discipline. Here’s a list of university study tips to help get you through the term.

Start off right. The start of a school term is generally not as busy for assignments and is a good time to come up with an effective way to study. Don’t put off easily-completed tasks for the future, especially when crunch time hits. Get as much reading done now, so you are not losing focus on assignments. Take advantage of weeks with less homework to get ahead on longer-term projects.

Come up with systems. Time management is important for creating effective study habits. Every weekend, take some time to plan your week ahead. Make note of your class schedule, due dates and important events. Estimate how much time you have, the time it will take to do each week’s work and make weekly adjustments in your schedule to accommodate. There are online tools and apps available to help you stay organized. Also aim to study every day rather than trying to cram it all in one session. By preparing for your classes in short bursts, you can manage your workload better, stay focused and keep track of information more efficiently.

Take breaks. One valuable piece of study advice for students is not to study too much. Taking breaks from the daily grind of studying and doing assignments will improve your ability to learn. No matter how busy your schedule gets, make sure to allocate a little time for some fun or relaxation. Go outdoors and try and get some exercise to take your mind off school. University Canada West’s Student Affairs department and Peer Leaders organize weekly events throughout each term, including online exercise classes, workshops and virtual seminars on things like meditation and mindfulness.

Don’t procrastinate. Procrastination is the number one culprit in derailing productive studying habits. There are many reasons why procrastination happens and it’s not just outright avoidance. Perfectionism, fear of failure, fatigue and lack of focus are other reasons why procrastination can take root. It’s best to acknowledge it’s happening and overcome the urge to do it. Take little steps and don’t try to tackle everything at once—this way you can divide projects into achievable goals. Take note of what works and what doesn’t for getting tasks done and come up with an action plan.

Stay focused. One of the best study tips is the importance of being able to fully engage while studying. Find a study environment where there are no distractions to keep you focused. In order to create a more effective study environment, eliminate distractions such as social media, surfing the web, texts and television. These distractions impact the quality of learning and increase the amount of time you will need to study.

Ask for help. If you are a new student, UCW’s Peer2Peer Program helps with the transition into university life. Peer Leaders, who are current UCW students, can help answer questions or provide resources. All new UCW students are paired with a Peer Leader for their first term. UCW also offers Peer Tutors, who are students or alumni. They are able to meet with students from select courses to clarify questions, work through examples and help students who are struggling with certain aspects of course content. And don’t be afraid to speak up and ask questions if you find yourself struggling with the course material or are just looking for some advice on how to prepare for the term.

Published on January 13, 2023.