British Columbia streamlines licensing for small business ownersBusiness Management

British Columbia streamlines licensing for small business owners

05-12-2017University Canada West

Starting and running a small business can be an exciting venture, but it also has its share of challenges. One of the main hurdles is dealing with the paperwork required for starting the business. In the past, this meant visiting multiple websites and gathering information. Thankfully, this is no longer the case.

British Columbia is paving the way for people who want to become entrepreneurs and small business owners with the introduction of the BizPaL licence program in conjunction with the federal government.

Canada’s Minister of Small Business and Tourism, Bardish Chagger, and British Columbia’s Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction, Coralee Oakes, announced that 11 new local governments have signed up for BizPaL.

BizPaL is an online directory that provides information about the licences and permits that small business entrepreneurs need to get up and running. The online tool is free thanks to a partnership between federal, provincial, First Nations, territorial and municipal governments. This allows business owners to focus more on growing their business and creating job opportunities in their communities. BizPaL saves time by collecting all of the relevant information in one place.

People who are interested in starting their own small ventures can simply select the business activity in question, and this generates a list of licences and permits at all government levels. It also provides basic information for various permits and licences with links to different government websites for entrepreneurs who want more information. The different governments also benefit from BizPaL because it allows them to dispense accurate information related to permits and licences.

All Canadian provinces and territories are taking part in BizPaL. There are now more than 750 municipalities and one First Nation offering this service, which covers more than 60 percent of the country’s population. In British Columbia, 129 local governments are participating in the program.

BizPaL is an example of the Canadian government’s dedication to supporting small business ventures and entrepreneurs and reducing red tape so that small business owners can enjoy reduced paperwork.

There is no better time than now to start a small business venture. However, prospective entrepreneurs will benefit more if they have an MBA degree as they will be better equipped to manage the challenges small business ownership brings with it. The UCW MBA program prepares students for leadership. It teaches them to respond strategically to business challenges and opportunities and use critical thinking and analysis to ensure innovative solutions.