BC leading Canada’s economic recovery amid COVID-19 pandemicBusiness Management

BC leading Canada’s economic recovery amid COVID-19 pandemic

10-11-2021University Canada West

British Columbia is leading Canada’s economic recovery with the second-lowest unemployment rate in the country.

Earlier this month, Ravi Kahlon, BC’s Minister of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation, issued a statement on the province’s progress and success in recovering from the effects of the COVID‑19 pandemic.

“The Labour Force Survey for October solidifies BC’s position as leading Canada’s economic recovery with another 10,400 jobs added throughout the province last month,” Kahlon reported. “The BC Vaccine Card has created stability in our economy, allowing businesses to remain open, while reassuring British Columbians as we gradually return to normal.”

As of Oct. 24, British Columbians were required to have two doses of a vaccine and proof of vaccination with their BC Vaccine Card to access some non‑essential services, businesses and events. The implementation of the BC Vaccine Card allowed businesses to continue serving their customers safely and responsibly during the pandemic and offered citizens peace of mind.

The measures, policies and protocols administered by the government and provincial health officer during the pandemic led to BC having the second-lowest unemployment rate in the country at 5.6%, and the province continues to lead with a job recovery rate of 101.9%.

“There are now 51,000 more British Columbians employed than at the start of the pandemic,” Kahlon said.

He also revealed that employment among BC’s Indigenous population is 10.6% above pre-pandemic levels and the unemployment rate for minority groups continues to decline at 1.5 percentage points lower than the national average.

British Columbia’s economic growth is projected to also extend into 2022. The Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour forecasts that in 2022 more than one million total job openings are expected in BC, including 985,000 jobs from economic activity already confirmed or planned. Of the 985,100 projected job openings, 44% are expected to require some level of post-secondary education and 34% are expected to require a university degree.

While the pandemic is not over yet, the BC government has demonstrated its commitment to helping its citizens throughout this challenging time through recovery grants for small businesses, tax incentives for hiring more workers and encouraging the community to support local through the Grow BC, Feed BC and Buy BC programs.

The success of BC’s recovery makes the province an attractive destination to study and work at, especially with the abundance of job opportunities for those looking for a stable career.

Published on Nov. 10, 2021.