Research & Scholarly Activities Committee


The Research and Scholarly Activities Committee is a Standing Committee of the Senate, with the following responsibilities:

  • Maintaining, in cooperation with the Vice-President (Academic) and the Research Ethics Board (“REB”), a general overview of the overall state of research and scholarly activities at the University.
  • Considering and providing advice and recommendations to the Senate on academic matters related to research at the University, including but not limited to:
    • the research and scholarly priorities at the University
    • the nature of research and scholarly activities at the University
    • the allocation of University resources to research and scholarship, including funding, services, and infrastructure
    • University policies and procedures related to research and scholarly activities, including proposed revisions to Policy No. 5003, “Scholarly Activity For Faculty,” and Policy No. 5020, “Research Ethics”
    • the research and scholarship environment, infrastructure, funding, and other issues which, in the opinion of the Committee, have an impact on research and scholarship at the University.
  • As required, considering, and providing advice and recommendations to the Senate and other University bodies on the:
    • forms of support needed to maintain excellence in research and scholarship
    • planning and operation of research and scholarship events and initiatives
  • Ensuring that:
    • proposed University policies and procedures (and amendments thereto) related to research and scholarly activities are consistent with the mission, vision, and goals of the University
    • University policies related to research and scholarly activities at the University have been subject to appropriate review and consultation with members of the University community
    • exemplary research and scholarship at the University is celebrated through public recognition and dissemination.

Committee Membership

The Committee meets on an as-needed basis, with a minimum of two meetings per year; meetings are usually closed. For any questions, please contact the Senate Secretariat at