Dr. Vahideh Baradaran Rafiee

Full-Time Continuing FacultyFaculty


Dr. Vahideh Baradaran received her PhD in Business Management with a marketing specialization from the University of Wollongong, Australia She obtained her master’s degree in International Business and two bachelor’s degrees in Business Management and Management Information System from American College of Dubai.

Her teaching philosophy focuses on inductive principals through the case study method of engaging students in active learning, encouraging their critical thinking and facilitating peer-to-peer idea exchanges.

Expertise and Experience

Dr. Baradaran has more than 10 years of teaching and research experience. She has taught several courses such as Marketing Management, International Marketing, Marketing Communication, and Principles of Management. She is actively engaged in research and has presented at several international conferences.

Dr. Baradaran is a professional member of the International Committee of Iran Management Association. She has also worked as an assistant managing director at a leading regional firm in the MENA region with activities in FMCG, e-commerce, wholesale/distribution and heavy industry. These experiences have enabled her to bring hands-on training cases and examples into the classroom.

Publications and Scholarly Activity

Dr. Baradaran’s research interest is in the area of social media, electronic word of mouth, online complaint management, customer satisfaction, computer mediated communications and online reviews. She has published several papers in refereed international journals and conference proceedings.

  • 2019. Baradaran-Rafiee, V. ‘Customers’ online reviews: Threats or opportunities, Management Journal, 29, pp. 74-76.
  • 2016. Baradaran-Rafiee. V., and Shen, K. Ning. 'The impact of corporate response strategies to negative online word of mouth on complainers' brand attitude', Proceeding of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Chiayi, Taiwan, AIS Electronic Library, United States, pp. 1-11. 2012. Rafiee, V., Sarabdeen, J. The cultural influence in the practice of corporate governance in emerging markets. Communication of IBIMA, pp. 1-10.
  • 2013. Rafiee V B and Sarabdeen J. ‚ÄòSocial Media Marketing: The Unavoidable Marketing Management Tool’, 21st International Business Information Management Association Conference, Vienna, Austria, pp. 933-942.
  • 2013. Baradaran-Rafiee, V. ‚ÄòThe impact of social networking sites on individuals’ daily life and relationships-Focusing on gender differences presented at 5th International Conference on Business Strategies and Consumer Behavior (ICBSCB), Dubai, UAE, pp. 1-9.
  • 2013. Baradaran-Rafiee, V. ‚ÄòWhat motivates Consumers to provide electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on the Internet? Presented at ‘The International Conference on Business Strategies and Consumer Behavior (ICBSCB-2013), Dubai, UAE, pp. 1-12.
  • University of Wolongong. Unpublished Thesis. ‘Companies Responses to electronic word of mouth (eWOM)’.

Papers from dissertation:

Baradaran, R. V.,Nyadzayo, M., and Gomiscek, B., Managers’ Responses to Positive and Negative eWOM, To be targeted at Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.

Baradaran, R. V.,Nyadzayo, M., and Gomiscek, B., Various strategies used by restaurant managers in response to customer eWOM, To be targeted at Journal of computer- mediated communication.

Contact her through LinkedIn.