Dr. Patty Zakaria has a PhD in Political Science as well as an MA in Industrial Relations from Wayne State University. She also has a BA in International Relations and Economics from the University of Windsor and graduate-level certificates in Program Evaluation from Wilfrid Laurier University and Politics of the Balkans from University of Zagreb.
In 2018, Dr. Zakaria was the recipient of the OECD award for research innovation in corruption, where in March 2018 she presented her research on individual-level tolerance for bribery at the annual OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum in Paris.
Expertise and Experience
Dr. Zakaria has more than 12 years of teaching experience at various universities and colleges in the USA, Canada and Croatia. Since 2011, Dr. Zakaria has been teaching at University Canada West, where she has taught several courses in political science, research methods and business.
In addition to her academic work, she also has experience in the private sector, where she is a research manager and research consultant for various national and international organizations and governments.
Publications and Scholarly Activities
Dr. Zakaria has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, edited volumes, book chapters, and a book. Her research area examines the impact of corruption and anti-corruption measures on country, economic, and individual levels.
Currently, she is working on a project that examines the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the risk of corruption in the developed and developing world.
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- 2016. Zakaria, P. "The Influence of Socioeconomic Trends on Individual Perception of Corruption: the case of Croatia", Public Integrity Journal, Volume 18(4): 419-440.
- 2015. Zakaria, P. "Visegrad at a crossroad in Europe: nuclear energy" European Perspective ‘ Special Issue from the Visegrad Fund, Volume 7(2/13): 87-118.
- 2013. Zakaria, P. "Corruption an Enemy of Civil Society: the case of East and Central Europe." International Political Science Review, Volume 34 (4): 351-371
- 2013. Zakaria, P. "In the name of corruption: charting perception and experience with corruption in Croatia" European Perspectives ‘ Journal on European Perspectives of the Western Balkans, Volume 5 (2/9): 43-62.
- 2019. Zakaria, P. Understanding the Nuclear Behavior of States. Scholars Press: Latvia
Book Chapters:
- 2021. Zakaria, P. Education under attack: an examination of education in emergencies and strategies for strengthening education. In Cummings, J & Fayed, I in Teaching in the Post COVID-19 Era. Springer Publishers. (Forthcoming January 2021)
- 2019. Zakaria, P. Understanding Lebanon's patronage networks (Chapter 3). In Varraich, A & Kubbe, I. Routledge Publishers.
- 2018. Zakaria P. Religiosity and Corruption. In Kubbe I., & Engelbert A. (eds) Corruptionand Norms. (pp. 69- 90) Political Corruption and Governance. Palgrave Macmillan.
Policy Reports:
- 2020. Zakaria, P. Corruption Risk and COVID-19 Baseline study, Patty Zakaria Research Group Limited. (Forthcoming)
- 2019. Contributing Author - Fragility Chapter. Annual Development Effectiveness Report 2018: with a particular focus on ICD's innovation in supporting SMEs in fragile settings. Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, Jedda Saudi Arabia.
- 2018. Zakaria, P. What can the Peacebuilding Fund do for the Yazidi survivors? [Policy Brief]
- 2017. Zakaria, P. Quantitative and Qualitative: which approach is more superior in program evaluation. [White Paper]
- 2016. Corruption Research Centre Budapest. [Contributing author]. Járadékvadászat és a haveri kapitalizmus modelljei a magyar energiapiacon, 2011-2015. A korma?ny ‘ MVMP - MET to? rte?net elemze?se [Theoretical models of rent seeking and crony capitalism in the Hungarian energy market - The analysis of the Hungarian government ‘ MVMP - MET story]. Corruption Research Center Budapest Report: pp. 6 -127.
Other Publications:
- 2018. Zakaria, P. To Tolerate or not Tolerate Bribery: Can a Lack of Control over Corruption Determine Tolerance Levels? OECD Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum.
- 2018. Zakaria, P. Corruption in Education: Implications for society. Conference proceeding from Second Interdisciplinary Corruption Research (ICR) Forum.
- 2017. Zakaria, P. North Korea’s recent breach of the DMZ: what does it all mean? Foreign Policy Concepts December 2017.
- 2016. Zakaria, P. Turkey’s Failed Military Coup and the Purge, Observatory Media. July 28.
- 2016. Zakaria, P. A Greek Tragedy: how government corruption has fueled tax evasion, nObservatory Media. June 6, 2016.
- 2016. Zakaria, P. North Korea’s nuclear and missile threat: finding a solution ‘ Part 2. Foreign Policy Concepts. April 30, 2016.
- 2016. Zakaria, P. North Korea’s nuclear and missiles threat: Is it real? ‘ Part 1. Foreign Policy Concepts. April 24, 2016.
- 2016. Zakaria, P. Let’s talk about corruption: the case of Uzbekistan, Observatory Media, April, 18 2016.
- 2016. Zakaria, P. Corruption Post-Arab Spring in Tunisia: Have things improved? Freedom Observatory, February 22, 2016.
- 2015. Zakaria, P. Did the new nuclear deal diminish the threat of an Iranian nuclear weapons? Maybe, The Mackenzie Institute for Security, December 8, 2015.
- 2013. Zakaria, P. Corruption: Experience vs. Perception. (Survey ‘ English, and Croatian) DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.3796.2325.
- 2013. Zakaria, P. "The Emergence of Illiberal Democracy in Egypt in the wake of the Arab Spring Revolution" Atlantic Community Open Think Tank on Foreign Policy, August
Book Reviews:
- 2016. Zakaria, P. Review of "A time to attack: the looming Iranian nuclear threat" by Matthew Kroenig, in International 27. Journal, Volume 71(4).
- 2011. Zakaria, P. Review of "From Culture, to Ethnicity, to Conflict: An AnthropologicalPerspective on International Ethnic Conflicts"‚ by Jack D. Eller, Romanian Journal of European Affairs, Volume 11(1): 109-110.
Contact her through LinkedIn.