Dr. Morteza Mazloumian, Ph.D.

Dr. Morteza Mazloumian, Ph.D.

Sessional FacultyFaculty, Staff

Morteza has a Ph.D. in Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering.

Morteza is a certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt. He holds a variety of leadership certifications including Dare to Lead™ Trained. Morteza has ISO 13485: Internal Audit certification as well as Business Process Re-Engineering certification. He also holds certifications for Demand Driven MRP.

Morteza Teachers Operations Management at UCW. HE believes a successful teacher must have three key characteristics: knowledge, strong passion, and a teaching style based on students’ backgrounds and expectations. He utilizes a learner-oriented teaching style that promotes active learning and encourages critical and creative thinking in the class.

Expertise and Experience

Morteza has over 5 years of teaching experience as a sessional instructor and teaching assistant at the University of Windsor where he taught Management Science at Odette School of Business. Morteza is also a passionate operation executive with nearly 15 years of experience working across different spectrums, from small startups to large global enterprises. He has a track record of leading high-performing companies in the automotive and electronics manufacturing sectors.

Publications and Scholarly Activity

  • Mazloumian M., Fazle Baki M., and Ahmadi M., “A two-stage stochastic optimization framework to allocate operating room capacity in publicly-funded hospitals under uncertainty” Healthcare Management Science, vol. 26, pp. 238-260, 2023.
  • Mazloumian M., Fazle Baki M., and Ahmadi M., “A robust multiobjective integrated master surgery schedule and surgical case assignment model at a publicly-funded hospital” Computer and Industrial Engineering, vol. 163, 2022.
  • Mazloumian M., K. Y. Wong, K. Govindan, and D. Kannan, “A robust optimization model for agile and build-to-order supply chain planning under uncertainties,” Annals of Operation Research, vol. 240, no. 2, pp. 435–470, 2016.
  • Mazloumian M., Wong K. Y., Ahmadi M., 2014. A Mathematical Model for Supply Chain Planning in a Build-to-Order Environment. 5th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production. Springer International Publishing, pp. 315-320.
  • Mazloumian M., Abdul-Kader W., Ahmadi M., 2014. A Simulation Model of Economic Production and Remanufacturing System under Uncertainty. Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference.
  • Mazloumian M., Wong K. Y., 2012. A Review of Modelling Approach of Supply Chain Planning under Uncertainty. 9th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM 12, IEEE, pp. 197-203.
  • A. Mirzapourrezaei, Mazloumian M., Dargi A., Wong K. Y., 2011. Simulation of a Manufacturing Assembly Line Based on WITNESS. 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, IEEE Computer Society, pp132-137.
  • R. Khoei, M. Kashefi, P. Ghadimi, A. H. Azadnia, M. R. Abdul Rani and M. Mazloumian, 2011. Order Processing in Supply Chain Management with Developing an Information System Model: an Automotive Manufacturing Case Study. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 254, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 65-76.

Morteza’s research interests encompass Operations Management, Supply Chain Management; Robust Optimization; Stochastic Optimization; Production Planning & Scheduling; Decision Making under Uncertainty


  1. Graduate Student Society Leadership Appreciation Award
  2. Graduate Student Society Councillor Certificate
  3. University Entrance Scholarship
  4. Vice President External Affairs, Graduate Student Society, University of Windsor Departmental Councillor, Graduate Student Society, University of Windsor

Morteza Mazloumian, Ph.D | LinkedIn