Dr. Morteza Mazloumian, Ph.D.
Morteza has a Ph.D. in Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering.
Morteza is a certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt. He holds a variety of leadership certifications including Dare to Lead™ Trained. Morteza has ISO 13485: Internal Audit certification as well as Business Process Re-Engineering certification. He also holds certifications for Demand Driven MRP.
Morteza Teachers Operations Management at UCW. HE believes a successful teacher must have three key characteristics: knowledge, strong passion, and a teaching style based on students’ backgrounds and expectations. He utilizes a learner-oriented teaching style that promotes active learning and encourages critical and creative thinking in the class.
Expertise and Experience
Morteza has over 5 years of teaching experience as a sessional instructor and teaching assistant at the University of Windsor where he taught Management Science at Odette School of Business. Morteza is also a passionate operation executive with nearly 15 years of experience working across different spectrums, from small startups to large global enterprises. He has a track record of leading high-performing companies in the automotive and electronics manufacturing sectors.
Publications and Scholarly Activity
- Mazloumian M., Fazle Baki M., and Ahmadi M., “A two-stage stochastic optimization framework to allocate operating room capacity in publicly-funded hospitals under uncertainty” Healthcare Management Science, vol. 26, pp. 238-260, 2023.
- Mazloumian M., Fazle Baki M., and Ahmadi M., “A robust multiobjective integrated master surgery schedule and surgical case assignment model at a publicly-funded hospital” Computer and Industrial Engineering, vol. 163, 2022.
- Mazloumian M., K. Y. Wong, K. Govindan, and D. Kannan, “A robust optimization model for agile and build-to-order supply chain planning under uncertainties,” Annals of Operation Research, vol. 240, no. 2, pp. 435–470, 2016.
- Mazloumian M., Wong K. Y., Ahmadi M., 2014. A Mathematical Model for Supply Chain Planning in a Build-to-Order Environment. 5th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production. Springer International Publishing, pp. 315-320.
- Mazloumian M., Abdul-Kader W., Ahmadi M., 2014. A Simulation Model of Economic Production and Remanufacturing System under Uncertainty. Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference.
- Mazloumian M., Wong K. Y., 2012. A Review of Modelling Approach of Supply Chain Planning under Uncertainty. 9th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM 12, IEEE, pp. 197-203.
- A. Mirzapourrezaei, Mazloumian M., Dargi A., Wong K. Y., 2011. Simulation of a Manufacturing Assembly Line Based on WITNESS. 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, IEEE Computer Society, pp132-137.
- R. Khoei, M. Kashefi, P. Ghadimi, A. H. Azadnia, M. R. Abdul Rani and M. Mazloumian, 2011. Order Processing in Supply Chain Management with Developing an Information System Model: an Automotive Manufacturing Case Study. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 254, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 65-76.
Morteza’s research interests encompass Operations Management, Supply Chain Management; Robust Optimization; Stochastic Optimization; Production Planning & Scheduling; Decision Making under Uncertainty
- Graduate Student Society Leadership Appreciation Award
- Graduate Student Society Councillor Certificate
- University Entrance Scholarship
- Vice President External Affairs, Graduate Student Society, University of Windsor Departmental Councillor, Graduate Student Society, University of Windsor