Dr. Mehdi Akhgari


Dr. Mehdi Akhgari graduated with a PhD in Marketing from the Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba (2011-2016). He holds a master’s degree in Textile Management (2007) and a BSc in Textile Sciences and Engineering from Tehran Polytechnic (2004). He also holds a Certificate in Higher Education Teaching from the University of Manitoba (2014).

Expertise and Experience

Dr. Akhgari has years of experience teaching courses such as Advertising, Introduction to Business, Advanced Topics in Marketing, and Fundamentals of Marketing. He has many years of professional and managerial experience in the information technology industry and the Canadian food industry.

Before joining Asper School of Business, Dr. Akhgari was the managing director of Silicon Systems of Golestan Company, in addition to several years of service as a board member and marketing analyst with Silicon Technology Systems Company.

He was a faculty member in the Department of Business and Administration at the University of Winnipeg (2015-2017) where he taught advertising and introduction to business before joining University Canada West in 2017.

He teaches marketing management, International marketing, and research methods.

Publications and Awards

Dr. Akhgari’s main research stream focuses on relationship marketing and consumer loyalty, but further projects address issues regarding consumer well-being and attitudes, trust, commitment, healthcare management, foreign market expansion commitment and hedonic legitimacy of new ventures.

He has published in Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, International Journal of Bank Marketing, and Journal of Generic Medicines: The Business Journal for the Generic Medicines Sector, and he has presented his research at major conferences, such as ACR and ASAC.

  • 2019. Aghakhani, H.*, M. Akhgari*, and K. Main, “When Money does not Elevate Self-sufficiency,” Australasian Marketing Journal, 27 (1), 32-40. (*first and second authors have an equal contribution). [IF=2.08, CiteScore=1.51, ABDC Ranking=A]
  • 2019. Mehralian, G., L. Zarei, M. Akhgari, and M. Peikanpour, “Does CSR Matter in Pharmaceutical Distribution Industry? The Balanced Scorecard Perspective,” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 13 (2), pp.228-243. [CiteScore=1.47, ABDC Ranking=C]
  • 2018. Akhgari, M., E. R. Bruning, J. Finlay, and N. S. Bruning, “Image, Performance, Attitudes, Trust, and Loyalty in Financial Services,”  International Journal of Bank Marketing,  36 (4), 744 -763. [IF=2.196, CiteScore=4.74, ABDC Ranking=A]
  • 2018. Ranghchian, M., S. Sehat, M. Akhgari, and G. Mehralian, “Performance Model of Community Pharmacies in Low-Middle Income Countries: A Societal Perspective,”  Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,  40 (1), 241-248. [IF=3.59, CiteScore=4.53, ABDC Ranking=A]
  • 2017. Mehralian, G., Z. Sharif, N. Yousefi, and M. Akhgari, “Physicians’ Loyalty to Branded Medicines in Low-middle-income Countries: A Structural Equation Modeling,”  Journal of Generic Medicines: The Business Journal for the Generic Medicines Sector,  13 (1), 9-18.

Volunteer, Ithna Asheri Heritage Learning Institute, 2012-2016.