Albert Wu
Dr. Albert Wu holds a PhD from the University of British Columbia (2019).
He teaches COMM 140 and ENGL 102 at University Canada West.
Expertise and Experience
Dr. Wu has taught in Canada, the US and China and enjoys helping students to achieve their academic and life goals. He is an associate editor for Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal at the University of Alberta, an editorial board member and reviewer for The Qualitative Report, an ESCI-indexed Journal and a reviewer for many other academic journals.
Publications and Scholarly Activity
- My family history: the past and present. Life Writing, 20, 9-23. (A&HCI).
- Chorus of marginalized voices, Canadian Literature. (A&HCI). https://canlit.ca/article/chorus-of-marginalized-voices/
- Composing and translating poetry: Learning from scholarly and daily activities. LEARNing Landscapes, 15(1), 29-37. (ESCI).
- Speaking of race: How to have antiracist conversations that bring us together. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 108(3), 342-346. (SSCI).
- My poetic inquiry in search of my home. Canadian Literature, 243, 171-179.
- 2022-Present First “Elliot Eisner New Scholar Intern” of AERA Elliot Eisner SIG
- 2019 Special UBC Graduate Scholarship-LLED RITS Award