In the modern world, everyone is rushing. Some people must attend school, some must work, and some must do both.

We are university students, working more than 20 hours per week, completing six assignments in three days, and taking various tests daily while obtaining fewer than 7 hours of sleep. We do not know how to relax, and when we do, we’re ready to party. However, how are we taking care of ourselves?

We never feel entirely refreshed. Ironically, we experience homesickness at home and agitation at work. This indicates burnout. It’s difficult to juggle in a fast-paced environment; you feel like a machine, and any time you falter, that’s burnout.

Our brain needs nutrition just like our body does. It also needs nourishment, which is some of the things we can do in a fast-paced environment to avoid burnout. They are listed below:

Sleep schedule

Sleep is a necessary function that affects our life. Developing a sleep routine that includes getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night, especially on the weekends, will help with concentration and stress reduction.

Lack of sleep has a detrimental impact on cognition, concentration, productivity, and performance. Nowadays, students are either not sleeping enough or occasionally skipping sleep entirely, which is risky. Regularly going to bed at the same time each night can train your body to go to bed at a specific time and make you feel refreshed the next day.

The blue light

The most damaging light coming from our phones is the blue light. During nighttime, exposure to blue light (and white light, which contains blue light) can make it hard for you to get to sleep and stay asleep. Your body’s natural rhythm gets thrown off, which makes it challenging to wake up the following day. It’s crucial to refrain from using your phone two hours before bed.

In addition, college students spend a lot of time online, participating in Zoom lectures, doing research, writing papers, etc. Also, many students are avid users of social media. We all experience a sense of community through social media, but we are just getting increasingly dependent on it.

Dopamine levels increase as you view more videos. We can compare ourselves to lab rats, who will press a button until they are entirely exhausted if it will cause them to release dopamine. We have evolved into beings who are entrapped in a never-ending cycle of content consumption. Students should think about unplugging and establishing boundaries with technology to help them concentrate on themselves and lead healthy lifestyles. 

Physical fitness

We are all aware of the advantages of living healthily. Exercise, though, can be the first item to go as a student’s schedule gets busier.

Now that spring is arriving, there are numerous outdoor activities that are excellent cardio workouts and can be easily included in a daily routine if one does not have time to go to the gym (such as playing a game of volleyball, biking, strolling, etc.). Tired from doing housework or grocery shopping? Your muscle strength and endurance can both increase with regular exercise. Exercise helps your circulatory system function more effectively and distributes oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. Also, you have more energy to complete daily tasks as your heart and lung health improves.

Do you need a boost emotionally? Or do you need to unwind after a demanding day? Exercise in the gym or a brisk walk can assist. Several brain chemicals are stimulated by physical activity, which may make you feel happier, calmer, and less nervous. Regular exercise may also make you feel better about yourself, increasing your self-assurance and self-esteem.

Clean room, clean mind

Even if you spend a whole day cleaning your room thoroughly, it can still get untidy relatively soon. Yet maintaining your space daily can help you establish a routine. You may maintain organization, motivation and self-discipline by following routines.

Cleaning can go to the bottom of your priority list when you’re in a rush to get to meetings or class. In the long run, keeping on top of the mess will simplify things, and concentrating on maintaining particular areas clean can be beneficial.

Clean your keyboard and mouse regularly, as well as counters and doorknobs. Make sure to replace your bed linens periodically and clean the bathroom once a week. Wintertime air circulation can cause a buildup of dust, dander, and pathogens. Another approach to Staying healthy all semester long is to keep your living place tidy.

Practice gratitude

Everything seems to go wrong at times. There are obligations such as bills and homework. If we could only find the positive side of even the most unimportant circumstances.

Consider the fact that it was bright day today, the assignment you turned in on time, the courtesy shown to you by a customer, your gratitude for your family and friends, and the fact that you are receiving an education in a country like Canada, of which many people can only dream.

Another suggestion is to keep a journal of appreciation. Set aside sometime during the day, perhaps while you try to unwind before going to bed. Consider your day in the past and list the positive aspects. Consider composing a paragraph about the various blessings you may have taken for granted, such as having access to clean water or specific skills. Gratitude lessens negative feelings, such as jealousy, resentment, frustration, and regret.

Renowned gratitude researcher Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., has carried out many studies on the relationship between thankfulness and well-being. His findings support the idea that feeling grateful significantly lowers depression and boosts happiness.

Although incorporating these routines into daily life is difficult, if we can set aside 5 minutes each day to complete even one of these activities, the long-term effects will be profound. Furthermore, developing habits takes time. In this world, when everyone is hustling, it is best to be gentle and patient with yourself and make an effort to do one thing for yourself every day. This way, we can take a moment to remind ourselves that everything will be worth it in due time.

Written by UCW AA Student Jastej K.

Published on March 13, 2023.