Canada ranked one of the world’s healthiest countries to live inMedia Communication

Canada ranked one of the world’s healthiest countries to live in

22-04-2022University Canada West

Canada is a country often highly ranked for its beauty, education, career opportunities, safety and economy, among other things.

Earlier this year, Canada was listed as one of the world’s healthiest countries to live in.

In a report released by, Canada ranked 13th in its list of healthiest countries to live in in 2022.

Japan ranked #1, followed by Switzerland and Cuba.

The full list of the world's healthiest countries includes:

  1. Japan
  2. Switzerland
  3. Cuba
  4. Slovenia
  5. Armenia
  6. Croatia
  7. Finland
  8. Poland
  9. Belgium
  10. Italy
  11. Israel
  12. France
  13. Canada
  14. Costa Rica
  15. Greece
  16. Australia
  17. Hungary
  18. Bulgaria
  19. Serbia
  20. Montenegro

The report analyzed a range of factors, including 14 metrics on a country level, to make its list.

These metrics included obesity rates, life expectancy, crime, air pollution, healthcare, safety, current health expenditure (percentage of GDP), the share of the population with access to health support, the prevalence of mental and substance use disorders, yearly sunlight hours and psychiatrists, nurses, social workers and psychologists working in the mental health sector.

The metrics used were chosen because they are all considered contributing factors to indicators of physical health/access to physical health.

Fittingly, this year the report placed a larger emphasis on health-related metrics, which provided a more accurate result of the effect of the pandemic.

These metrics included the accessibility of healthcare coverage and the number of mental health nurses, social workers, psychiatrists and psychologists in each country.

Out of all the contenders on the list, Canada had the greatest number of social workers with 145.4 social workers for every 100,000 people.

Not surprisingly, social workers were one of the top 20 most in-demand jobs in Canada in 2020.

The report also revealed that the country spends 10.79% of its GDP on healthcare, which was among the highest expenditures on the list.

Last year, Vancouver was ranked in the top 10 of the world’s best cities for healthy living.

Published on April 22, 2022.