The power of daily habits: Its importance and how it impacts our livesLifestyle Culture

The power of daily habits: Its importance and how it impacts our lives

12-10-2023University Canada West

"Your habits shape your identity, and your identity shapes your habits." – James Clear

What is a Habit?

As James Clear wrote in his book Atomic Habits, a habit is a behaviour or routine that is repeated continuously and automatically, to the point of not being aware of the action that is being done. In our daily routine, we repeat many "actions," such as picking up our phone first thing in the morning, brushing our teeth with the same hand or eating while watching TV, among others.

These are all actions that are done automatically because they have been repeated so many times that they have become part of our lives and therefore, we ignore them, and they are straightforward to do. But these actions are important because they represent more than 50% of our daily behaviour and can add to or affect us.

Its importance

That is why it is so important to have healthy daily habits because this way, you will live a free, conscious and fulfilled life, and you will not let your impulses and emotions control you and be a slave to it. Another reason why having good habits is crucial is that you will feel that your mind (and, therefore, your life) is in order. By having structured routines, you will have a well-structured and purposeful life. Every action you take is a choice of who you want to be and who you are.

I know we have all been overcome by laziness, and we don't do what needs to be done because we are not sufficiently "motivated." But it is vital to keep and respect your word. Of course, sometimes it can be not easy because life is busy. We are all international students with full- or part-time jobs, but in order to have a balance, to have time for everything, and not to "lose our minds," it is essential to practice good habits. It's something I call daily habits of successful people.

How has it impacted my life?

I used to be a person who did not respect her word; if I said I was going to get up early, I did not do it; if I said I was going to finish a specific task, I did not do it; if I said I was going to clean my room, I did not do it and so on. But I always complied with the actions that involved someone else. For example, I always showed up to my shifts at work, group tasks, etc. I was going into automatic mode and falling into a vicious circle until I realized I was being a slave to my own emotions and impulses. I realized that, and of course, I wanted to change that aspect of my life, but I needed to figure out where to start. Then, a book I had always heard about came into my life, a best-seller that dealt with habits, how to develop them and eliminate the bad ones, and the science behind them. That book is called Atomic Habits, and I must tell you that I have applied every tip to the letter and I have seen a significant change in every area of my life. I can better manage my work and university responsibilities, I make time for my friends, my family and me.

It is not always easy because sometimes it is simply a challenge, but with the attitude of wanting to change and be a better person, everything is possible.

Knowing that small positive actions lead me to be better every day, I have taken it upon myself to create a routine that works for me and my lifestyle and follow them to the letter, and so far, they have worked for me.

Today, I want to share with you my daily habits for success:

Getting up early: Starting the day early makes me feel that I am a person with purpose and self-control. I count to five and stand up without thinking about it.

Connection: The first thing I do when I open my eyes is to be grateful because I have one more chance to enjoy life because I have health, a roof over my head, food, family, friends, work, etc. When I get out of bed, I try to look at myself in the mirror and repeat how valuable and intelligent I am while I look at the images on my vision board; then, I do a little meditation and occasionally journal. You choose whether you want to meditate or write in your journal, etc., as long as you always start the day with gratitude, it's OK.

Movement: Recently, I've been implementing a new habit. Every morning when I have time, I try to go to the gym to clear my head, even if it's only for 30 minutes.

Cleaning: Once I am energetically clean, I can clean myself physically; I take a hot shower to eliminate the negative energies and start fresh.

Food: I start the day with a nutritious breakfast and prepare lunch for later.

Order: I ensure my temple (room and kitchen) is clean and tidy so I can start my tasks.

These small but powerful actions give order and meaning to my life and challenge me to be disciplined.

Life lessons

Success depends on how disciplined we are, on those small daily actions because they either destroy us and make us sick or give us freedom and take us away. It is up to each one of us to make the right decisions. Do yourself a favour and read Atomic Habits by James Clear; it will be beneficial.

Thanks, see you soon.

Written by UCW BCom Student Fabiana B.

Published on September 28, 2023.