Moose Hide Campaign aims to end violence against women and childrenLifestyle Culture

Moose Hide Campaign aims to end violence against women and children

05-05-2023University Canada West

The Moose Hide Campaign is an Indigenous-led grassroots movement for all Canadians, particularly men and boys, to stand up to end violence against women and children.

This year, Moose Hide Campaign Day will be celebrated on Thursday, May 11.

Observing the campaign day and wearing the moose hide pin represents a commitment to honouring, respecting and protecting women and children, as well as working to end gender-based violence and promote reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.

What is the Moose Hide Campaign?

The Moose Hide Campaign seeks to engage men and boys in taking action against violence and challenging harmful masculine norms that contribute to violence, in order to create a culture of healthy masculinity.

The campaign is an Indigenous-led grassroots movement for all Canadians, particularly men and boys, to stand up to end violence against women and children.

The inspiration for the Moose Hide Campaign came in 2011 when co-founders Paul Lacerte and his daughter Raven were reflecting on the sorrow of the Highway of Tears in northern British Columbia. The Highway of Tears is a 725-kilometre corridor of highway between Prince George and Prince Rupert, where many Indigenous women have been reported missing and murdered since the 1970s.

Mourning the tragedy and loss of life, Paul and Raven brought down a moose that would help feed the family for the winter season and decided to use its hide to create the very first moose hide pins. Since then, the campaign has grown into a nation-wide anti-violence movement with thousands of participating communities, organizations and institutions. More than three million pins have been distributed across the country since its inception.

“I am full of gratitude and hope and love for everybody that has supported the campaign so far. I am excited to see where it goes from here,” says Raven Lacerte, Moose Hide Campaign Co-Founder.

UCW and the Moose Hide Campaign

UCW has been named an Ambassador Campus for the Moose Hide Campaign. As an Ambassador Campus, UCW will actively promote the values of the campaign, engage in various events and work towards creating a safe and inclusive environment for all.

UCW is committed to providing secure spaces for its students and their communities. As part of the campaign, the University is distributing Moose Hide Campaign pins to be worn by students, faculty and staff, signifying their commitment to ending violence against women and children.

UCW will be handing out pins in both student lounges at the Vancouver House Campus May 8-11 from 10 am until 4 pm and in the lobby of the West Pender Campus on May 11 from 10 am until 4 pm.

“Moose Hide Campaign Day shows how even simple actions speak louder than words,” says UCW President Sheldon Levy. “We wear a moose hide pin to show our determination to end violence against women and children. And when we see thousands more people wearing their pins, we feel a tangible hope for a better future. Moose Hide creates bonds among strangers and unites us all against violence. That’s why UCW is now a proud Moose Hide Ambassador Campus.”

How to get involved

The Moose Hide Campaign offers many ways to get involved:

  • Wear and share the moose hide pin.
  • Attend the next virtual Moose Hide Campaign Day and #FastToEndViolence scheduled for Thursday, May 11, 2023.
  • Make your voice heard: take the pledge to end violence.
  • Volunteer your time or donate to the non-profit campaign.
  • Participate in Moose Hide Campaign education activities.
  • Learn how to help share our message by attending a Champions webinar. One of the most important things you can do to help end violence against women and children is to speak out.
  • To learn more about the Moose Hide Campaign, see

Published on May 5, 2023.