Dr. Mohammad Ekramul Kabir

Dr. Mohammad Ekramul Kabir

Assistant ProfessorFaculty

Dr. Mohammad Ekramul Kabir has a PhD in Information and Systems Engineering from Concordia University, and MSc and BSc degrees in Applied Physics, Electronics, and Communication Engineering from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Expertise and Experience

Dr. Kabir has accumulated three years of postdoctoral research experience as a post-doctoral fellow at Concordia University and Ontario Tech University. He also has six years of teaching experience at University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS) and Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology (ADUST) in Bangladesh.

Publications and Scholarly Activity 

Dr. Kabir’s research interests include cyber security of nuclear power plants, small modular reactors, electric vehicles, cloud/edge computing security and applications of artificial intelligence. 

Peer Reviewed Journals:

  • S. Bagheri, H.K. Bobinnec, M.E. Kabir, S. Majumdar, L. Wang, Y. Jarraya, B. Nour, M. Pourzandi, “ACE-WARP: A Cost-Effective Approach to Proactive and Non-disruptive Attack Mitigation in Kubernetes Clusters”, in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security publication information, 2024. 
  • M. Oqaily, M.E. Kabir, S. Majumdar, Y.Jarraya, M. Zhang, M. Pourzandi, L. Wang and M. Debbabi, “iCAT+: An Interactive Customizable Anonymization Tool using Automated Translation through Deep Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2023. 
  • M. E. Kabir, M. Ghafouri, B. Moussa and C. Assi, “Coordinated Charging and Discharging of Electric Vehicles: A New Class of Switching Attacks”, ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 2022. 
  • M. E. Kabir, M. Ghafouri, B. Moussa and C. Assi, “A Two-Stage Protection Method for Detection and Mitigation of Coordinated EVSE Switching Attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021. 
  • M. E. Kabir, I. Sorkhoh, B. Moussa and C. Assi, “Joint Routing and Scheduling of Mobile Charging Infrastructure for V2V Energy Transfer”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2021. 
  • J. Antoun, M. E. Kabir, R. Atallah, B. Moussa, M. Ghafouri and C. Assi, “A Data Driven Performance Analysis Approach for Enhancing the QoS of Public Charging Stations”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System, 2021. 
  • M. E. Kabir, J. Antoun, R. Atallah, B. Moussa, M. Ghafouri and C. Assi, “Assisting Residential Distribution Grids in Over coming Large Scale EV Preconditioning Load”, IEEE Systems Journal, 2021. 
  • M. E. Kabir, C. Assi, H. Alameddine, J. Antoun and J. Yan, “Demand-Aware Provisioning of Electric Vehicles Fast Charging Infrastructure”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020. 
  • M. E. Kabir, C. Assi, M.H.K. Tushar and J. Yan, “Optimal Scheduling of EV Charging at a Solar Power-Based Charging Station”, IEEE Systems Journal, 2020. 
  • J. Antoun, M. E. Kabir, B. Moussa, R. Atallah and C. Assi, “A Detailed Security Assessment of the EV Charging Ecosystem”, IEEE Network Magazine, 2020.

Peer Reviewed Conference Paper:

  • M.E. Kabir, K.E. Khatib, G. Harvel and K. Sankaranarayanan, “Identify the Cyber Vulnerabilities of Remotely Deployed Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) by Designing an AI-assisted Attack”, Fifth International Conference on Generation IV and Small Reactors (G4SR-5), 2024 (accepted). 
  • M. Oqaily, S. Majumdar, L.Wang, M.E. Kabir, Y.Jarraya, A. Zaman, M. Pourzandi and M. Debbabi, “A Tenant-based Two-stage Approach to Auditing the Integrity of Virtual Network Function Chains Hosted on Third-Party Clouds”, ACM CODASPY, 2023. 
  • Zaman, M.E. Kabir, H. Purohit, S. Majumdar, Y.Jarraya, M. Pourzandi and L. Wang, “5GFIVer: Functional Integrity Verification for 5G Cloud-Native Network Functions”, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, 2022. 
  • M. E. Kabir, I. Sorkhoh, B. Moussa and C. Assi, “Routing and Scheduling of Mobile EV Chargers for Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) Energy Transfer”, 2020 IEEE PES General Meeting, 2020. 
  • Joseph Antoun, M. E. Kabir, B. Moussa, R. Atallah and C. Assi, “Impact Analysis of Level 2 EV Chargers on Residential Power Distribution Grids”, IEEE 14th CPE-POWERENG, 2020. 
  • J. Antoun, M. E. Kabir, R. Atallah, B. Moussa, M. Ghafouri and C. Assi, “Impact Analysis of EV Preconditioning on the Residential Distribution Network”, IEEE SmartGridComm, 2020. 
  • M.E. Kabir, C. Assi, H. Alameddine, J. Antoun and J. Yan, “Demand Aware Deployment and Expansion Method for an Electric Vehicles Fast Charging Network”, IEEE SmartGridComm, 2019.

Book Chapters: 

  • S.Z. Khan, A. Mostayed and M.E. Kabir, “A ‘Frequency Blind Method for Symbol Rate Estimation”, Future Intelligent Information Systems, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011. 

Patent/Declaration of Invention: 

  • C. Assi and M.E. Kabir, “A Multi-Objective Distributed Charging Algorithm for Electric Vehicles.” is submitted DOI: 2018-016, Valeo Ref: UCON-222, 2020. 


  • Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Concordia University, 2021 
  • Accelerator Award, Concordia University, 2021 
  • International Tuition Award of Excellence, Concordia University

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