Quality Assurance Committee


The Quality Assurance Committee is a Standing Committee of the Senate, with the following responsibilities:

  • Developing and implementing procedures, standards, and guidelines to ensure that program reviews are conducted in accordance with the principles of University Policy No. 5001, “Program Review.”
  • Reviewing and approving all internal review reports produced through the University’s quality assurance processes.
  • Monitoring and providing updates to the Senate on provincially-mandated quality assurance policies or initiatives, as appropriate.
  • Advising the Senate on matters related to:
    • establishment, suspension, and/or discontinuance of educational programs (in consultation with the Academic Priorities and Planning Committee); and
    • policies related to and the terms of affiliation and articulation agreements with other post-secondary institutions and educational bodies (in consultation with other relevant Senate committees).

Committee Membership

The Committee meets on an as-needed basis, with a minimum of two meetings per year; meetings are usually closed. For any questions, please contact the Senate Secretariat at senate@ucanwest.ca.